
发表于:2013-05-31来源:Csdn作者:一个小菜仔点击数: 标签:oracle
由于被拉去进行建模比赛,小生的sql练习计划直接被延后了三天。趁着今晚没课(逃了)将这一套 题集进行一下练习,巩固下之前的学习。需要说明的是,练习所针对的数据都是来自上一盘文章中的




  ☞ 在from子句后面使用子查询

  [sql] view plaincopyprint?

  select s.*,a.cno,a.score from student s,


  select * from score where cno='C001'



  select * from score where cno='C002'


  where a.sno=b.sno and a.score>=b.score and s.SNO = a.SNO


  select s.*,a.cno,a.score from student s,


  select * from score where cno='C001'



  select * from score where cno='C002'


  where a.sno=b.sno and a.score>=b.score and s.SNO = a.SNO


  ☞ 使用相关子查询方式实现

  [sql] view plaincopyprint?

  select * from student s, score a

  where a.cno ='C001'

  and exists


  select * from score b

  where b.cno='C002'

  and a.score >=b.score

  and a.sno = b.sno


  and s.sno =a.sno


  select * from student s, score a

  where a.cno ='C001'

  and exists


  select * from score b

  where b.cno='C002'

  and a.score >=b.score

  and a.sno = b.sno


  and s.sno =a.sno



  ☞ 第一种方式

  [sql] view plaincopyprint?

  select s.sno,t.sname, avg(s.score) from student t, score s

  where t.sno=s.sno

  group by (s.sno,t.sname)

  having avg(s.score)>60


  select s.sno,t.sname, avg(s.score) from student t, score s

  where t.sno=s.sno

  group by (s.sno,t.sname)

  having avg(s.score)>60


  ☞ 第二种方式

  [sql] view plaincopyprint?

  select t.sno ,t.sname, m.avg_s from student t,


  select s.sno, avg(s.score) avg_s from score s

  group by s.sno having avg(s.score)>60

  ) m

  where m.sno = t.sno


  select t.sno ,t.sname, m.avg_s from student t,


  select s.sno, avg(s.score) avg_s from score s

  group by s.sno having avg(s.score)>60

  ) m

  where m.sno = t.sno



  [sql] view plaincopyprint?




  select sum(score) ,count(cno) from score group by sno;


  select t.* ,tmp.sum_sc,tmp.sum_cn from student t,


  select sno, sum(score) sum_sc ,count(cno) sum_cn from score group by sno

  ) tmp

  where t.sno = tmp.sno





  select sum(score) ,count(cno) from score group by sno;


  select t.* ,tmp.sum_sc,tmp.sum_cn from student t,


  select sno, sum(score) sum_sc ,count(cno) sum_cn from score group by sno

  ) tmp

  where t.sno = tmp.sno



  [sql] view plaincopyprint?

  select * from teacher where tname like '刘%';

  select count(*) from teacher where tname like '刘%';

  select * from teacher where tname like '刘%';

  select count(*) from teacher where tname like '刘%';



  ☞ 第一种方式

  [sql] view plaincopyprint?

  select t.* ,s.cno,s.score from student t, score s

  where s.cno in


  select distinct cno from course c,teacher t

  where c.tno =


  select tno from teacher where tname='王燕'
