SUN与Oracle 达成新合作协议

发表于:2007-07-13来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
最近,SUN和Oracle达成协议,为使用高端SUN 服务器 的用户支付License费用,这个消息对于SUN的高端用户来说,无疑是一个福音。 Oracle's Enterprise Edition database software will be an option when customers buy the four-processor Sun Fire V490 or h


Oracle's Enterprise Edition database software will be an option when customers buy the four-processor Sun Fire V490 or higher-end servers using the UltraSparc IV or IV+ processors. Sun will pay the Oracle license fee, but customers will be responsible for paying Oracle's annual support and maintenance fees, said Larry Singer, Sun's strategic insight officer.

如果用户购买4处理器的SUN Fire V490或者使用高端UltraSparc IV 或者 IV+ 处理器的SUN服务器,Oracle企业版数据库软件将成为一个选件。SUN将为用户支付License费用,但是用户需要承担一年的支持及维护费用。

The database bundling deal should be available on Sun's Web site in coming days, Singer said. The partnership, which also involves joint marketing and advertising, doesn't currently extend to Sun's UltraSparc T1 "Niagara" systems or its "Galaxy" line of x86 servers.

合作包含市场以及广告方面的合作,但是(遗憾的是)暂时不会扩展到SUN的新一代处理器UltraSparc T1 "Niagara"系列和"Galaxy"系列X86服务器。

Because Oracle license fees correspond to the number of processors a server has, Sun's subsidy can be significant on machines such as the E25K, which has as many as 72 dual-core processors. Singer said the Oracle license fee for such as system is $850,000.


Having McNealy and Ellison share the stage was emblematic of the two companies' work in recent months to patch up their relationship.

McNealy 和 Ellison 同台演讲被看作是两家公司最近数月为改善双方关系所作出的又一努力。

The two CEOs joked genially on the stage. McNealy opened the event by asking whether Oracle planned to acquire Sun.


"You'll see it in the newspapers," Ellison responded. "Oracle's strong preference is to do everything hostilely."


