if ($#argv != 1 then
echo "Usage:csh deltmp.sh [dbname]";
else if ($#argv == 1 then
set dbname="$argv[1]";
rm deltmp*.sql
echo "now load tmp table to deltmp.sql"
dbaclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccess $dbname <<EOF
unload to "deltmp.sql"
select tabname from systables where tabname like "tmp%" and created < extend(current,year to day)
echo "load finish"
echo "| --> ;"
sed 's/|/;/w deltmp1.sql' deltmp.sql
echo "tmp --> drop table tmp"
sed 's/tmp/drop table tmp/w deltmp2.sql' deltmp1.sql
echo "delete temp table"
dbaccess $dbname deltmp2.sql
echo "delele temp files"
rm deltmp*.sql