
发表于:2007-06-22来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
(1)以下 SQL 语句执行效率较低,大约在90分钟执行完毕 select distinct a.pulse_id,a.field_id, (select sum(kwh_val) from his_pbs_20041201 where pulse_id = a.pulse_id and to_number(to_char( unix _to_ oracle (occur_time),'hh24'))=0 ) as v0, (se


select distinct a.pulse_id,a.field_id,
(select  sum(kwh_val) from his_pbs_20041201 where pulse_id = a.pulse_id and to_number(to_char(unix_to_oracle(oclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccur_time),'hh24'))=0 ) as v0,
(select  sum(raw_val) from his_pbs_20041201 where pulse_id = a.pulse_id and to_number(to_char(unix_to_oracle(occur_time),'hh24'))=0 ) as r0,
(select  sum(status)  from his_pbs_20041201 where pulse_id = a.pulse_id and to_number(to_char(unix_to_oracle(occur_time),'hh24'))=0 ) as st0,
from his_pbs_20041201 a
where pulse_id = 164000029;
select distinct a.pulse_id,a.field_id,
sum(case to_number(to_char(unix_to_oracle(occur_time),'hh24')) when 0  then kwh_val  else 0 end) as v0,
sum(case to_number(to_char(unix_to_oracle(occur_time),'hh24')) when 0  then raw_val  else 0 end) as r0,
sum(case to_number(to_char(unix_to_oracle(occur_time),'hh24')) when 0  then status   else 0 end) as st0,
from his_pbs_20041201 a
group by a.pulse_id,a.field_id;
以上两种取得数据透视表的方法在Oracle与Sql Server中均适用。第一种方法要耗时90分钟,第二种方法只需3分钟即可。
