pessimistic (悲观)locking和optimistic (乐观)locking是oracle保证数据并行访问和避免lost update的2种策略. pessimistic (悲观)locking是指用户在读取和更新数据的时候,悲观的认为这期间其他用户可能会更新同一记录;因此在更新数据前读取数据的时候,尝试获得该记录的绝对锁,如果其他用户已经锁住该纪录,则被阻塞用户可以选择等待(select for upodate)还是取消等待(select for update nowait)。从而避免lost update,保证了数据一致性。 optimistic (乐观)locking是指用户在读取和更新数据的时候,乐观的认为这期间其他用户不可能更新同一记录,在更新数据前读取数据的时候,不会获得该记录的绝对锁;因此在更新纪录的时候,其他用户很可能已经修改过了该纪录;因此,在更新的时候需要采取自定义编码策略来避免lost update,保证数据一致性。 演示lost update的例子 At year end, Manager Ian decide to increase engineer SHERSA’s salary by 500$;while HR officer need to increase each engineer’s salary by 5%. ID NAME SALARY ---------- ------------------------- ---------- 8 SHERSA 3000 ID NAME SALARY ---------- ------------------------- ---------- 8 SHERSA 3000 SQL> commit; SQL> select * from emp where name='SHERSA'; ID NAME SALARY ---------- ------------------------- ---------- 8 SHERSA 3150 SQL> update emp set salary=3500 where id=8; SQL> commit; SQL> select * from emp where name='SHERSA'; ID NAME SALARY ---------- ------------------------- ---------- 8 SHERSA 3500 Ian更新的数据覆盖了HR更新的纪录,导致丢失更新(lost update);SHERSA受到了经济损失。 为了避免lost update,需要pessimistic locking 或者optimistic locking。 pessimistic locking 策略 通过在读纪录时,采用select for update锁住该纪录,再进行更新。 Time1: Ian read SHERSA’s salary record: ID NAME SALARY ---------- ------------------------- ---------- 8 SHERSA 3000 无法获得行上的绝对锁,被另外的session Ian阻塞 Time3: HR has to wait …. Or cancel operation by using “for update nowait” select * from emp where name='SHERSA' for update nowait * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified SQL> update emp set salary=3500 where id=8; SQL> commit; SQL> select * from emp where name='SHERSA'; ID NAME SALARY ---------- ------------------------- ---------- 8 SHERSA 3500 SQL> update emp set salary=salary*1.05 where id=8; SQL> commit; SQL> select * from emp where id=8; ID NAME SALARY ---------- ------------------------- ---------- 8 SHERSA 3675
Time1: Ian read SHERSA’s salary record:
SQL> select * from emp where name=' SHERSA ';
Time2: HR read SHERSA’s salary record:
SQL> select * from emp where name='SHERSA';
Time3: HR update SHERSA’s salary.
SQL> update emp set salary=salary*1.05 where id=8;
Time4: Ian update SHERSA’s salary by increment 500
SQL> select * from emp where name=' SHERSA ' for update;
Time2: HR read SHERSA’s salary record:
SQL> select * from emp where name= ' SHERSA ' for update;
SQL> select * from emp where name='SHERSA' for update nowait;
Get “resource busy”错误
Time4: Ian update SHERSA’s salary by increment 500
Time5: HR update SHERSA’s salary