* SQL Group Functions (num can be a column or expression) *
(null values are ignored, default between distinct and all is all) *
AVG([distinct or all] num) average value
COUNT(distinct or all] num) number of values
MAX([distinct or all] num) maximum value
MAX([distinct or all] num) minimum value
STDDEV([distinct or all] num) standard deviation
SUM([distinct or all] num) sum of values
VARIANCE([distinct or all] num) variance of values
* Miscellaneaous Functions : *
DECODE(expr, srch1, return1 [,srch2, return2...], default]
if no search matches the expression then the default is returned,
otherwise, the first search that matches will cause
the corresponding return value to be returned
DUMP(column_name [,fmt [,start_pos [, length]]])
returns an internal oracle format, used for getting info about a column
format options : 8 = octal, 10 = decimel, 16 = hex, 17 = characters
return type codes : 1 = varchar2, 2 = number, 8 = long, 12 = date,
23 = raw, 24 = long raw, 69 = rowid, 96 = char, 106 = mlslabel
GREATEST(expr [,expr2 [, expr3...]]
returns the largest value of all expressions
LEAST(expr [,expr2 [, expr3...]]
returns the smallest value of all expressions
NVL(expr1 ,expr2
if expr1 is not null, it is returned, otherwise expr2 is returned
returns sql error code of last error. Can not be used directly in query,
value must be set to local variable first
returns sql error message of last error. Can not be used directly in query,
value must be set to local variable first
returns the user id of the user you are logged on as
useful in selecting information from low level sys tables
returns the user name of the user you are logged on as
returns information about the user you are logged on as
(all options not available in all Oracle versions)
returns the number of bytes used by the expression
useful in selecting information about table space requirements
* SQL Date Functions (dt represents oracle date and time) *
* (functions return an oracle date unless otherwise specified) *
ADD_MONTHS(dt, num) adds num months to dt (num can be negative)
LAST_DAY(dt) last day of month in month containing dt
MONTHS_BETWEEN(dt1, dt2) returns fractional value of months between dt1, dt2
NEW_TIME(dt, tz1, tz2) dt = date in time zone 1, returns date in time zone 2
NEXT_DAY(dt, str) date of first (str) after dt (str = 'Monday', etc..)
SYSDATE present system date
ROUND(dt [,fmt] rounds dt as specified by format fmt
TRUNC(dt [,fmt] truncates dt as specified by format fmt
* Number Functions : *
ABS(num) absolute value of num
CEIL(num) smallest integer > or = num
COS(num) cosine(num), num in radians
COSH(num) hyperbolic cosine(num)
EXP(num) e raised to the num power
FLOOR(num) largest integer < or = num
LN(num) natural logarithm of num
LOG(num2, num1) logarithm base num2 of num1
MOD(num2, num1) remainder of num2 / num1
POWER(num2, num1) num2 raised to the num1 power
ROUND(num1 [,num2] num1 rounded to num2 decimel places (default 0)
SIGN(num) sign of num * 1, 0 if num = 0
SIN(num) sin(num), num in radians
SINH(num) hyperbolic sine(num)
SQRT(num) square root of num
TAN(num) tangent(num), num in radians
TANH(num) hyperbolic tangent(num)
TRUNC(num1 [,num2] truncate num1 to num2 decimel places (default 0)
* String Functions, String Result : *
(num) ASCII character for num
CHR(num) ASCII character for num
CONCAT(str1, str2) str1 concatenated with str2 (same as str1||str2)
INITCAP(str) capitalize first letter of each word in str
LOWER(str) str with all letters in lowercase
LPAD(str1, num [,str2]) left pad str1 to length num with str2 (default spaces)
LTRIM(str [,set]) remove set from left side of str (default spaces)
NLS_INITCAP(str [,nls_val]) same as initcap for different languages
NLS_LOWER(str [,nls_val]) same as lower for different languages
REPLACE(str1, str2 [,str3]) replaces str2 with str3 in str1
deletes str2 from str1 if str3 is omitted
RPAD(str1, num [,str2]) right pad str1 to length num with str2 (default spaces)
RTRIM(str [,set]) remove set from right side of str (default spaces)
SOUNDEX(str) ph.netic representation of str
SUBSTR(str, num2 [,num1]) substring of str, starting with num2,
num1 characters (to end of str if num1 is omitted)
SUBSTRB(str, num2 [,num1]) same as substr but num1, num2 expressed in bytes
TRANSLATE(str, set1, set2) replaces set1 in str with set2
if set2 is longer than set1, it will be truncated
UPPER(str) str with all letters in uppercase
* String Functions, Numeric Result : *
ASCII(str) ASCII value of str
INSTR(str1, str2 [,num1 [,num2]]) position of num2th oclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccurrence of
str2 in str1, starting at num1
(num1, num2 default to 1)
INSTRB(str1, str2 [,num1 [num2]]) same as instr, byte values for num1, num2
LENGTH(str) number of characters in str
LENGTHB(str) number of bytes in str
NLSSORT(str [,nls_val]) nls_val byte value of str