
发表于:2007-06-22来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
Netscape Server: Error configuring FastTrack Admin - unauthorized host问题描述 我想要为Netscape配置 FastTrack 。 当我试图访问FastTrack 管理员页面时,我得到了下面的错误信息: Internal error: the administration server was unable to fulfill yo

  Netscape Server: Error configuring FastTrack Admin - unauthorized host问题描述
  我想要为Netscape配置 FastTrack 。
  当我试图访问FastTrack 管理员页面时,我得到了下面的错误信息:

  Internal error: the administration server was unable to fulfill your request. Reason: unauthorized host.
  操作系统 - HP-UX
  版本 - 10.20
  硬件系统 - HP9000
  系列 -C200
  缺省时,FastTrack 服务器的管理服务器只允许特定的主机访问管理服务器的端口。
  为了能够让服务器之外的主机访问管理服务器端口,必须对管理服务器的配置文件ns-admin.conf 进行一些修改。
  - 使用运行在本地机器上的Netscape浏览器,它在General Administration --> Amin Preferences --> Superuser Aclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccess Control 中
  编辑或删除"Hosts" 和 "Addresses" 行。重新启动管理服务器。
  .........following with all English text ....Netscape Server: Error configuring FastTrack Admin - unauthorized hostProblem Description
  I am trying to configure the FastTrack for Netscape.
  I am getting this error when I try to access the
  FastTrack Administrator page:
   Internal error: the administration server was unable to fulfill your request. Reason: unauthorized host.
  Why am I having this problem?
  Configuration Info
  Operating System - HP-UX
  Version - 10.20
  Hardware System - HP9000
  Series - C200
  By default, the administration server for the FastTrack server only allows certain hosts to access the administration server port.
  In order to allow a host other than the server to access the administration server port, a change must be made to the configuration
  file of the administration server, ns-admin.conf.
  Change the configuration file by accessing the administration server
  using this URL:
  There are two ways to make the change:
  - Use a Netscape browser running on the local machine, under General Administration --> Amin Preferences --> Superuser Access Control.
  - Manually edit the file
   /opt/ns-ftrack/admin-serv/config/ns-admin.conf. Edit (or remove) the "Hosts" and "Addresses" lines.
   Restart the Admin server.
