
发表于:2007-06-22来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
Oracle: 两千年后将系统日期返回 问题描述 我是一个 Oracle 的 开发 者.我需要将我的系统升级到2000年. 当我任务完成以后将系统的日期返回会出现什么问题? 配置信息 操作系统 - HP-UX 版本 - 10.20 硬件系统 - HP9000 系列 -K100 Application - Oracle 解决

  Oracle: 两千年后将系统日期返回
  我是一个 Oracle 的开发者.我需要将我的系统升级到2000年.
  操作系统 - HP-UX
  版本 - 10.20

  硬件系统 - HP9000
  系列 -K100
  Application - Oracle
  - 系统日期改变以后
  注意: 你可以选择性的利用 Inite 'reload'黄金版来重新导入你的系统.
  - 你在向文件注册日期时将会遇到问题
  and btmp.
  - 你在 Logical Volume Manager (LVM)datestamp 域中将会遇到问题.
  在普通系统运行时逻辑卷结构中的LVM datastamp 域已被写到文件系统结构中。
  - fsck 能够证明任何在将来注册日期的文件都将不可用。
  注意: 这还没有被证实.
  - 时钟的改变会影响到SCCS (Source Code Control System).
  - Deltas 创建时将会包括错误的时钟设置。
  注意: 利用'val'命令核实 deltas.
  - 备份要依靠文件的日期.
  - 如果你将系统的日期返回时钟计时程序将不能运行任何的计划任务直到时钟达到日期返回以前的时间为止.
  .........following with all English text ....Oracle: rolling system date back from beyond Y2KProblem Description
  I am an Oracle developer. I need to advance my system date beyond Y2K.
  What will happen when I roll the date back to the proper setting after
  I complete my testing?
  Configuration Info
  Operating System - HP-UX
  Version - 10.20
  Hardware System - HP9000
  Series - K100
  Application - Oracle
  Any date roll-back could cause serious problems. A date roll-back has not been tested or documented; therefore, it is not supported.
  Listed below are problems that have already oclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccurred, or problems that could occur when you roll back the system date:
  - You must re-install the operating system after advancing the system date.
  Note: You can optionally use an Ignite 'Reload' golden image to reload your system.
  - You could have problems with login data written to files such as utmp, wtmp, and btmp.
  - You could experience problems with the Logical Volume Manager (LVM) datestamp fields.
  LVM datestamp fields in the logical volume structures are written into filesystem structures during normal system operation.
  - fsck could decide that any files dated in the future are invalid,and therefore should be deleted from the system.
  Note: This has not been verified.
  - A clock change affects SCCS (Source Code Control System).
  - Deltas could be created with the incorrect clock setting.
  Note: Use the 'val' command to verify the deltas.
  - Incremental backups rely on file dates. If file dates are out of synchronization, the system may backup incorrect versions.
  - If you roll back the system date, cron will not run any scheduled jobs until the clock reaches the date that the system had before the date roll-back.
