
发表于:2007-06-22来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
Oracle:“start x print servers”消息禁用打印问题描述 在Oracle升级过程中,我的系统启动并显示下面的信息: start x print servers 自从看到这个信息后,我就一直无法打印任何东西。我进入系统管理管理器(SAM)查看打印机信息,但屏幕挂起。我还尝试恢复

  Oracle:“start x print servers”消息禁用打印问题描述
  start x print servers

  操作系统 - HP-UX
  版本 - 11.0
  硬件系统 - HP9000
  系列 - K570
  应用程序 - Oracle
  1. 进入目录/var/spool/lp。
  2. 执行“ls”命令,检查是否有FIFO和SCHEDLOCK文件。
  3. 执行“lpstat -r”,看一看sched是否正在运行。
  4. 执行“rm FIFO SCHEDLOCK Toutputq *lock.”命令。
  5. 执行“> outputq”命令,清除outputq文件中的内容。
  6. 执行“> log”命令,清除日志文件中的内容。
  7. 执行“ps -ef|grep lp”命令。
  注:对所有活动的lpsched继承执行kill -9。
  8. 执行“lpsched -v”,重新启动lpsched进程。
  9. 执行“more log”命令。
  10. 执行“lp -dprinter ./file”。
  .........following with all English text ....
  Problem Description
  During my Oracle upgrade, my system booted and printed this message:
  start x print servers
  I have not been able to print anything since I saw this message.
  I went into the System Administration Manager (SAM) to view the printer
  information, and the screen hung. I also tried to restore the printer
  configuration, and the screen continued to hang.
  How can I resolve this problem?
  Configuration Info
  Operating System - HP-UX
  Version - 11.0
  Hardware System - HP9000
  Series - K570
  Application - Oracle
  Use these steps to resolve your problem:
  1. Change directories to /var/spool/lp.
  2. Execute the 'ls' command to check for the existence of FIFO and
  SCHEDLOCK files.
  3. Execute 'lpstat -r' to see if sched is running.
  Note: If sched is running, execute lpshut to stop the sched process.
  4. Execute the 'rm FIFO SCHEDLOCK Toutputq *lock.' command.
  Note: Delete the files that apply to your system.
  5. Execute the '> outputq' command to clear the contents of the outputq file.
  6. Execute the '> log' command to clear the contents of the log file.
  7. Execute the 'ps -ef|grep lp' command.
  Note: Do a kill -9 on all active lpsched processes.
  8. Execute 'lpsched -v' to re-start the lpsched process.
  9. Execute the 'more log' command.
  10. Execute 'lp -dprinter ./file'.
