XMMS MP3 Plugin for Red Hat Linux 8.0

发表于:2007-06-22来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
作者:syisyi XMMS MP3 Plugin for Red Hat Linux 8.0 Sep 25th 2002, 8:57 MST Due to patent and licensing concerns, Red Hat Linux 8.0 does not include MP3 support. This isn't completely terrible as 8.0 includes full support for the OGG Vorbis

  XMMS MP3 Plugin for Red Hat Linux 8.0
  Sep 25th 2002, 8:57 MST

  Due to patent and licensing concerns, Red Hat Linux 8.0 does not include MP3 support. This isn't completely terrible as 8.0 includes full support for the OGG Vorbis format. OGG Vorbis is widely regarded as a superior format to MP3. Listen for yourself. You can even find mobile players that support OGG Vorbis. Anyways, back to MP3. To get MP3 support back in XMMS, you simply need to install the xmms-mp3 RPM created here at Guru Labs. This RPM provides the two files:
  Also provided is the SRPM from which the binary RPM was built. The SRPM is identical to the XMMS SRPM shipped with Red Hat Linux 8.0 except that it uses the pristine XMMS source (ie, has MP3 support), and the SPEC file was modified to create the xmms-mp3 sub package.
  License: GPL
  Download RPM: xmms-mp3-1.2.7-13.p.i386.rpm
  Download SRPRM: xmms-1.2.7-13.p.src.rpm
