Install oracle client on Solaris

发表于:2007-06-22来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
Install oracle client on Solaris To install oracle client on Solaris 5.8, Please follow this steps: 1. Create a user account on Solaris, just like: oracle9i. 2. Log on Solaris with the account. 3. Download the oracle 9i (64 bit) files from


Install oracle client on Solaris

To install oracle client on Solaris 5.8, Please follow this steps:


1.      Create a user aclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccount on Solaris, just like: oracle9i.

2.      Log on Solaris with the account.

3.      Download the oracle 9i (64 bit) files from oracle website.

4.      Upload them to Solaris server.

5.      Uncompress oracle 9i files:

    1).Uncompress the file using "gunzip".

Eg.: "gunzip solaris64_9."

2).Extract the file resulting from the step above using "cpio".

Eg.: "cpio -idmv < solaris64_9."

3).Repeat this for solaris64_9.

and solaris64_9.

6.      To start installer from disk1 etup.

7.      Select the oracle client for installation type.

8.      Following the installation wizard, you can finish the installation easily.
