刚刚完成的安装工作, 所花时间可能会用掉一两个小时之间, 假
如想更快些, 在後面我会示范快速自动安装法。
下面画面是刚刚安装过程最後的一个画面, 也就是在安装完成时,
安装程式会立刻询问我们要不要接着进行系统设定, 我们按
选择 Yes。
<< 画面 4-58 >>
________________ CONFIGURE YOUR SYSTEM? _________________
? Now it's time to configure your Linux system. If this ?
? is a new system, you must configure it now or it will ?
? not boot correctly. Otherwise, you can back out to the ?
? main menu if you're sure you want to skip this step. ?
? If you've installed a new kernel image, it's important ?
? to reconfigure your system so that you can install ?
? LILO (the Linux loader) or create a bootdisk using the ?
? new kernel. Do you want to move on to the CONFIGURE ?
? option? ?
? ?
? < Yes > < No > ?
<< 画面 4-59 >>
____________________ MAKE BOOT DISK? _____________________
? It is HIGHLY recommended that you make a standard boot ?
? disk for your Linux system at this time. Such a disk ?
? can be very handy if LILO of a kernel is ever ?
? improperly installed. Since the boot disk will contain ?
? a kernel that is independent of LILO and the kernel on ?
? your hard drive, you'll still be able to use it to ?
? boot your system no matter what you do to LILO or your ?
? hard drive kernel. Would you like to make a standard ?
? boot disk? ?
? ?
? < Yes > < No > ?
画面 4-49 要我们制作一张系统开机磁片, 这样子, 即使稍後安装
LILO时 (不论安装在 MBRⅱ root partition的 superblock 或者软碟)
不慎失败了, 这张磁片也可以正常开机。 换句话说, 这张系统开机磁
片完全与 LILO无关, 这张磁片包含有系统的 Kernel, 只要在开机时
把这磁片插入第一个磁碟, 则不论原先硬碟设定由 DOS或任何的作业
系统开机, 这磁片也可以开机进入硬碟 Linux系统, 这方式就是最原
始的开机选择 (传统用软碟机来达成多重开机选择, 是最安全的), 这方式完全
无须依赖任何的开机选择程式。 作者强烈建议您制作这样一张磁片,
您平常可以用这张来开机, 或者, 把这张开机片当作辅助开机片, 平
常摆在安全的地方, 不用它, 但在万一的时刻, 比方说原本的硬碟开
机与软碟开机都毁了, 这时, 这一张磁片就可以派上用场。
<< 画面 4-60 >>
____________________ BOOT DISK CREATION ____________________?
? ?
? Now put a formatted floppy in your boot drive. ?
? This will be made into your Linux boot disk. Use this to ?
? boot Linux until LILO has been configured to boot from ?
? the hard drive. ?
? ?
? Any data on the target disk will be destroyed. ?
? ?
? YES creates the disk, NO aborts. ?
? ?
? < Yes > < No > ?
<< 画面 4-61 >>
________________ CREATING DISK _________________
? Creating boot disk from 'vmlinuz'... ?
? ?
? ?
以下询问是有配备有数据机 (Modem)? 有数据机则直接按
键, 若没有, 使用 或 左右方向键把反白移到 < No >, 再按
<< 画面 4-62 >>
________________________ MODEM CONFIGURATION _________________________
? ?
? This part of the configuration process will create a link in /dev ?
? from your callout device (cua0, cua1, cua2, cua3) to /dev/modem. ?
? You can change this link later if you put your modem on a different ?
? port. ?
? ?
? Would you like to set up your modem? ?
? 2 ?
? < Yes > < No > ?
若有数据机, 则进一步选择数据机所在之串列埠。 请移动反白
做正确选择。 以下这动作相当於正常 Linux环境下的指令:
$ ln -s /dev/ttyS1 mouse, 但是把 ttyS1 换成正确的一个。
<< 画面 4-63 >>
________________ SELECT CALLOUT DEVICE __________________?
? Please select the callout device which you would like ?
? to use for your modem: ?
? ______________________________________________________??
?? cua0 com1: under DOS ??
?? cua1 com2: under DOS ??
?? cua2 com3: under DOS ??
?? cua3 com4: under DOS ??
? ______________________________________________________??
? < OK > ?
<< 画面 4-64 >>
______________________ MOUSE CONFIGURATION ________________________?
? ?
? This part of the configuration process will create a link in /dev ?
? from your mouse device to /dev/mouse. You can change this link ?
? later if the setting chosen does not work, or if you switch to a ?
? different type of mouse.