如何在硬碟建置Linux系统之使用 bootdisk及 rootdisk 磁片 开机

发表于:2007-06-22来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
安装系统的第一步骤, 就是拿刚刚制作好的 bootdisk 磁片, 塞 入第一部软碟机, 启动电源。 正常的话, 您会在萤幕上看到以下画 面。 << 画面 4-1 >> LILO Welcome to the Slackware Linux 2.0.2 Bootkernel disk! If you have any extra parameters to pas

   安装系统的第一步骤, 就是拿刚刚制作好的 bootdisk 磁片, 塞
  入第一部软碟机, 启动电源。 正常的话, 您会在萤幕上看到以下画
  << 画面 4-1 >>

  Welcome to the Slackware Linux 2.0.2 Bootkernel disk!
  If you have any extra parameters to pass to the kernel, enter them at the
  prompt below. For instance, you might need something like this to detect the
  hard drive on PS/1 and ValuePoint models from IBM:
   ramdisk hd=cyl,hds,secs (Where "cyl", "hds", and "secs" are the number of
   cylinders, sectors, and heads on the drive. Most
   machine won't need this.)
  Also, in a pinch, you can boot your system with a command like:
   mount root=/dev/hda1
  On machines with low memory, you can mount root=/dev/fd1 or
  mount root=/dev/fd0 to install without a ramdisk. See LOWMEM.TXT for details.
  If you wold rather load the root/install disk from your second floppy drive:
   drive2 (or even this: ramdisk root=/dev/hd1)
  DON'T SWITCH ANY DISKS YET! This prompt is just for entering extra paramters.
  If you don't need to enter any paramters, hit ENTER to conitnue.
   萤幕画面在此处停止了。 正常的话, 在这里我们碰一下
  键, 可以继续。
  << 画面 4-2 >>
  Please remove the boot kernel disk from your floppy drive, insert a
  root/install disk (such as one of the Slackware color144, colrlite,
  tty144, or tty12 disks) or some other disk you wish to load into a
  ramdisk and boot, and then press ENTER to continue.
  讯息, 这些讯息此处简略掉了。 一直到下面画面, 萤幕再度停住,
  此处, 我们浏览一下其说明, 其意思是说, 把刚开机用的 bootdisk
  拿出来, 把 rootdisk (也就是系统安装磁片的第二片) 插进磁碟机
  << 画面 4-3 >>
  VFS: Disk change detected on device 2/28
  RAMDISK: Loading 1440 blocks into RAM disk ..................................
  << 画面 4-4 >>
  Welcome to the Slackware Linux installation disk, (v. 2.0.2)
  - You will need one or more partitions of type "Linux native" prepared. It is
   also recommended that you create a swap partition (type "Linux swap") prior
   to installation. Most users can use the Linux "fdisk" utility to create and
   tag the types of all these partitions. OS/2 Boot Manager users, however,
   should create their Linux partitions with OS/2 "fdisk", add the bootable
   (root) partition to the Boot Manager menu, and then use the Linux "fdisk" to
   tag the partitions as type "Linux native".
  - If you have 4 megabytes or less of RAM, you MUST activate a swap partition
   before running setup. After making the partition with fdisk, use:
  mkswap /dev/ ; swapon /dev/
  - Once you have prepared the disk partitions for Linux, and activated a swap
   partition if you need one, type "setup" to begin the installation process.
  - If you want the install program to use monochrome displays, type:
   before you start "setup".
  You may now login as "root".
  slackware login:
   以上连续画面到<<画面 4-4>> 停止, 就算开机成功, 接下来我们
  可以 root 进入系统 (此时的环境已经是一个运转中的 Linux系统),
  之後, 就可以正式进行系统硬碟规划以及安装动作。
   本节最後我们介绍一个相关的问题。 有时候, bootdisk 磁片开
  机时, 没有能够自动侦测到您的硬体设备, 最常见的, 就是网路卡以
  及CD-ROM 控制卡。 遇到这种情况时, 我建议您用 bootdisk 磁片开
  机时, 在 boot: 提示符号後, 输入以下指令:
   boot: ramdisk sbpcd=0xAAA,LaserMate 针对 Panasonic 562B/563B 光碟机
   boot: ramdisk ether=B,0xCCC,eth0 针对网路卡
   boot: ramdisk sbpcd=0xAAA,LaserMate ether=B,0xCCC,eth0 合在一起
   以上: AAA: 该唯独光碟机控制卡之 IO port
   B: 该网路卡的 IRQ
   CCC: 开网路卡之 IP port
