本人一次遇到有人将数据库DBA ROLE删除掉了,惊讶之余 ,只好想办法恢复,经查找资料,终于完全恢复了DBA ROLE,现将恢复过程与大家共享:
用 sys/xxxx as sysdba登录sqlplus,然后执行下列语句:
SQL> create role dba;
SQL> grant all privileges to dba with admin option;
SQL> grant select_catalog_role to dba with admin option;
SQL> grant execute_catalog_role to dba with admin option;
SQL> grant delete_catalog_role to dba with admin option;
The DBA role is created at database creation time by the "sql.bsq" script. (The "sql.bsq" script is typically found in the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs or the
$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory.)
Additional grants are made to dba through other scripts in the admin directory.
For example, exp_full_database and imp_full_database in catexp.sql.
The above commands are excerpts from the "sql.bsq" script