
发表于:2007-06-21来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
获取Dvatagrid第r行c列的内容可以用下面代码获得 DataGrid2.Col = r DataGrid2.Row = c msgbox DataGrid2.Text 但如果datagrid2中有滚动条,要得到滚动下面某行某列的内容时,系统会提示说:行号无效! 这是由于DataGrid2.Row只能在[1,datagrid.visiblerows]



DataGrid2.Col = r
DataGrid2.Row = c

msgbox DataGrid2.Text 



Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim r As Integer, temp As String
r = Int(Rnd * DataGrid1.ApproxCount + 1)'任意行
DataGrid1.Scroll -DataGrid1.LeftCol, r - DataGrid1.FirstRow'第一行第一列
temp = InputBox("DATAGRID 目前随机定位在第" & r & "行第1列,你想现在移动到第几行,第几列?", "提示", Int(Rnd * 1000 + 1) & "," & Int(Rnd * DataGrid1.Columns.Count + 1))
MsgBox "第" & Split(temp, ",")(0) & "行第" & Split(temp, ",")(1) & "列的值为" & gettext(DataGrid1, Split(temp, ",")(0), Split(temp, ",")(1))'选定该行该列并取其值
End Sub

Function gettext(ByVal dgrid As DataGrid, ByVal r As Integer, ByVal c As Integer) As String'获取DGRID第r行c列的内容
dgrid.Scroll 0, r - dgrid.FirstRow'从FirstRow行下滚r-FirstRow行
dgrid.Col = c - 1'选C列
dgrid.Row = 0 '选第一个可见行
gettext = dgrid.Text'取值
End Function

Private Sub Form_Load()'填充一个datagrid

Dim adoRecordset As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
For i = 0 To 5  '为Recordset六个字段,即为 DataGrid 添加六列
   adoRecordset.Fields.Append "n * " & i + 1, adVariant, , adFldMayBeNull + adFldIsNullable + adFldUpdatable
Next i
With adoRecordset
For j = 1 To 1000
.Fields(0) = j
.Fields(1) = 2 * j
.Fields(2) = 3 * j
.Fields(3) = 4 * j
.Fields(4) = 5 * j
.Fields(5) = 6 * j '加1000条记录,即为 DataGrid 添加1000行
Next j
End With
Set DataGrid1.DataSource = adoRecordset '绑定 DataGrid 的数据源
End Sub
