
发表于:2007-06-13来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
一、已有数据库(SQL)表,快速生成对应存储过程的工具。 SQLPilot.exe 二、已有数据库表,快速生成列表、基本查询、高级查询、插入新行、删除、编辑ASP.net页面的工具ASP.NET Maker。 可参看网址: http://www.hkvstore.com/aspnetmaker/ 数据库操作类,以



二、已有数据库表,快速生成列表、基本查询、高级查询、插入新行、删除、编辑ASP.net页面的工具ASP.NET Maker。

可参看网址:clearcase/" target="_blank" >cc>http://www.hkvstore.com/aspnetmaker/



using System;

using System.Web.UI;

using System.Globalization;

using System.Data;

using System.Data.SqlClient;

namespace ns_db


public class c_db: UserControl



//  返回数据库连接字符串


public string ewConnStr()


return "Password=******;Persist Security Info=True;

User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=******;Data Source=


} // End ewConnStr


//  返回一个 DataView 根据 Connection String & SQL


public DataView ewDataView(string sConn, string sSQL)




// Create a new Connection Object

SqlConnection oConn = new SqlConnection(sConn);

// Create a new DataAdapter using the Connection Object and SQL statement

SqlDataAdapter oDa = new SqlDataAdapter(sSQL, oConn);

// Create a new DataSet Object to fill with Data

DataSet oDs = new DataSet();

// Fill the DataSet with Data from the DataAdapter Object

oDa.Fill(oDs, "ewDataSet");

return oDs.Tables[0].DefaultView;


catch (SqlException oErr)


Session["dberrmsg"] = ewDataErrorMessage(oErr);

return null;


} // End ewDataView


//  返回一个 DataView for Linking


public DataView ewDataViewLink(string sConn, string sTable/*表名*/,

string sLnkFld, string sDispFld,

string sDispFld2, string sFilterFld,

string sOrderBy/*排序列*/, string sOrderType/*排序规则*/,

bool bDistinct/*是否剔除重复值*/, string sFilter)


string sSQL;



// Construct SQL statement


if (bDistinct)




sSQL += " [" + sLnkFld + "], [" + sDispFld + "]";

if (sDispFld2 != "")


sSQL += ", [" + sDispFld2 + "]";


if (sFilterFld != "")


sSQL += ", [" + sFilterFld + "]";


sSQL += " FROM [" + sTable + "]";

if (sFilter != "")


sSQL += " WHERE " + sFilter;


if (sOrderBy != "")


sSQL += " ORDER BY [" + sOrderBy + "] " + sOrderType;


// Create a new Connection Object using the Connection String

SqlConnection oConn = new SqlConnection(sConn);

// Create a new DataAdapter using the Connection Object and SQL statement

SqlDataAdapter oDa = new SqlDataAdapter(sSQL, oConn);

// Create a new DataSet Object to fill with Data

DataSet oDs = new DataSet();

// Fill the DataSet with Data from the DataAdapter Object

oDa.Fill(oDs, "ewDataSet");

// Create the TextField and ValueField Columns


"[" + sLnkFld + "]");

if (sDispFld2 == "")



"[" + sDispFld + "]");





"[" + sDispFld + "] +

', ' + [" + sDispFld2 + "]");


return oDs.Tables[0].DefaultView;


catch (SqlException oErr)


Session["dberrmsg"] = ewDataErrorMessage(oErr);

return null;


} // End ewDataViewLink


//  根据 Connection String & SQL 返回 Records 的数量


public int ewRecordCount(string sConn, string sTable, string sWhere)


string sSQL;



// Construct SQL

sSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [" + sTable + "]";

if (sWhere != "")


sSQL += " WHERE " + sWhere;


// Create a new Connection Object using the Connection String

SqlConnection oConn = new SqlConnection(sConn);

// Create a new DataAdapter using the Connection Object and SQL statement

SqlDataAdapter oDa = new SqlDataAdapter(sSQL, oConn);

// Create a new DataSet object to fill with Data

DataSet oDs = new DataSet();

// Fill the DataSet with Data from the DataAdapter Object

oDa.Fill(oDs, "ewDataSet");

return Convert.ToInt32(oDs.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]);


catch (SqlException oErr)


Session["dberrmsg"] = ewDataErrorMessage(oErr);

return 0;


} // End ewRecordCount


//  返回 1-page DataView 根据 Connection String & SQL


public DataView ewDataViewPage(string sConn, string sSQL,

int iCurrentRec, int iPageSize)




// Create a new Connection Object using the Connection String

SqlConnection oConn = new SqlConnection(sConn);

// Create a new DataAdapter using the Connection Object and SQL statement

SqlDataAdapter oDa = new SqlDataAdapter(sSQL, oConn);

// Create a new DataSet object to fill with Data

DataSet oDs = new DataSet();

// Fill the DataSet with Data from the DataAdapter Object

oDa.Fill(oDs, iCurrentRec, iPageSize, "ewDataSet");

return oDs.Tables[0].DefaultView;


catch (SqlException oErr)


Session["dberrmsg"] = ewDataErrorMessage(oErr);

return null;


} // End ewDataViewPage


//  Return a DataReader based on Connection & SQL


public SqlDataReader ewDataReader(SqlConnection oConn, string sSQL)




// Create a DataReader Object

SqlDataReader oDr;

// Create a new Command Object using the Connection and SQL statement

SqlCommand oCmd = new SqlCommand(sSQL, oConn);

// Execute the SQL statement against the Command to get the DataReader

oDr = oCmd.ExecuteReader();

return oDr;


catch (SqlException oErr)


Session["dberrmsg"] = ewDataErrorMessage(oErr);

return null;


} // End ewDataReader


//  Return Error Message based on Error Object


public string ewDataErrorMessage(SqlException oErr)


string sDbErrMsg;

sDbErrMsg = "";

for (int i = 0; i <= oErr.Errors.Count - 1; i++)


sDbErrMsg += "Message: " + oErr.Errors[i].Message + "


+ "Line Number: " + oErr.Errors[i].LineNumber + "


+ "Source: " + oErr.Errors[i].Source + "


+ "Procedure: " + oErr.Errors[i].Procedure + "



return sDbErrMsg;

} // End ewDataErrorMessage


//  Return Upload File Name


public string ewUploadFileName(string sFileName)


string sOutFileName;

// Amend your logic here

sOutFileName = sFileName;

// Return computed output file name

return sOutFileName;

} // End ewUploadFileName


//  Return Formatted Number similar to VB FormatNumber

//  - IncludeLeadingDigit is not supported


public string ewFormatNumber(object oNo, int iDecPlace, int iUseParen,

int iGroupDigits)


NumberFormatInfo oNfi = (NumberFormatInfo) NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.Clone();

oNfi.NumberDecimalDigits = iDecPlace; // NumDigitsAfterDecimal

// IncludeLeadingDigit: not used

if (iUseParen == -1) // UseParensForNegativeNumbers: True


oNfi.NumberNegativePattern = 0;


else if (iUseParen == 0) // UseParensForNegativeNumbers: False


oNfi.NumberNegativePattern = 1;


if (iGroupDigits == -1) // GroupDigits: True


oNfi.NumberGroupSeparator = ",";


else if (iGroupDigits == 0) // GroupDigits: False


oNfi.NumberGroupSeparator = "";


// Cast for different data types

if (oNo is short) // short

{ return ((short) oNo).ToString("n",oNfi); }

else if (oNo is ushort) // ushort

{ return ((ushort) oNo).ToString("n",oNfi); }

else if (oNo is int) // int

{ return ((int) oNo).ToString("n",oNfi); }

else if (oNo is uint) // uint

{ return ((uint) oNo).ToString("n",oNfi); }

else if (oNo is long) // long

{ return ((long) oNo).ToString("n",oNfi); }

else if (oNo is ulong) // ulong

{ return ((ulong) oNo).ToString("n",oNfi); }

else if (oNo is float) // float

{ return ((float) oNo).ToString("n",oNfi); }

else if (oNo is double) // double

{ return ((double) oNo).ToString("n",oNfi); }

else if (oNo is decimal) // decimal

{ return ((decimal) oNo).ToString("n",oNfi); }


{ return ((decimal) oNo).ToString("n",oNfi); }



//  Return Formatted Currency similar to VB FormatCurrency

//  - IncludeLeadingDigit is not supported


public string ewFormatCurrency(object oNo, int iDecPlace, int iUseParen,

int iGroupDigits)


NumberFormatInfo oNfi = (NumberFormatInfo) NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.Clone();

oNfi.CurrencyDecimalDigits = iDecPlace; // NumDigitsAfterDecimal

// IncludeLeadingDigit: not used

if (iUseParen == -1) // UseParensForNegativeNumbers: True


oNfi.CurrencyNegativePattern = 0;


else if (iUseParen == 0) // UseParensForNegativeNumbers: False


oNfi.CurrencyNegativePattern = 1;


if (iGroupDigits == -1) // GroupDigits: True


oNfi.CurrencyGroupSeparator = ",";


else if (iGroupDigits == 0) // GroupDigits: False


oNfi.CurrencyGroupSeparator = "";


// Cast for different data types

if (oNo is short) // short

{ return ((short) oNo).ToString("c",oNfi); }

else if (oNo is ushort) // ushort

{ return ((ushort) oNo).ToString("c",oNfi); }

else if (oNo is int) // int

{ return ((int) oNo).ToString("c",oNfi); }

else if (oNo is uint) // uint

{ return ((uint) oNo).ToString("c",oNfi); }

else if (oNo is long) // long

{ return ((long) oNo).ToString("c",oNfi); }

else if (oNo is ulong) // ulong

{ return ((ulong) oNo).ToString("c",oNfi); }

else if (oNo is float) // float

{ return ((float) oNo).ToString("c",oNfi); }

else if (oNo is double) // double

{ return ((double) oNo).ToString("c",oNfi); }

else if (oNo is decimal) // decimal

{ return ((decimal) oNo).ToString("c",oNfi); }


{ return ((decimal) oNo).ToString("c",oNfi); }



//  Return Formatted Percent similar to VB FormatPercent

//  - IncludeLeadingDigit is not supported


public string ewFormatPercent(object oNo, int iDecPlace, int iUseParen,

int iGroupDigits)


NumberFormatInfo oNfi = (NumberFormatInfo) NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.Clone();

oNfi.CurrencyDecimalDigits = iDecPlace; // NumDigitsAfterDecimal

// IncludeLeadingDigit: not used

if (iUseParen == -1) // UseParensForNegativeNumbers: True


oNfi.CurrencyNegativePattern = 0;


else if (iUseParen == 0) // UseParensForNegativeNumbers: False


oNfi.CurrencyNegativePattern = 1;


if (iGroupDigits == -1) // GroupDigits: True


oNfi.CurrencyGroupSeparator = ",";


else if (iGroupDigits == 0) // GroupDigits: False


oNfi.CurrencyGroupSeparator = "";


// Cast for different data types

if (oNo is short) // short

{ return ((short) oNo).ToString("p",oNfi); }

else if (oNo is ushort) // ushort

{ return ((ushort) oNo).ToString("p",oNfi); }

else if (oNo is int) // int

{ return ((int) oNo).ToString("p",oNfi); }

else if (oNo is uint) // uint

{ return ((uint) oNo).ToString("p",oNfi); }

else if (oNo is long) // long

{ return ((long) oNo).ToString("p",oNfi); }

else if (oNo is ulong) // ulong

{ return ((ulong) oNo).ToString("p",oNfi); }

else if (oNo is float) // float

{ return ((float) oNo).ToString("p",oNfi); }

else if (oNo is double) // double

{ return ((double) oNo).ToString("p",oNfi); }

else if (oNo is decimal) // decimal

{ return ((decimal) oNo).ToString("p",oNfi); }


{ return ((decimal) oNo).ToString("p",oNfi); }


} // End Class

} // End NameSpace

(责任编辑 火凤凰 sunsj@51cto.com  TEL:(010)68476636-8007)

