发表于:2007-06-08来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
五、复制函数F_CONNECT_COPYFILE 需要控件:LISTBOX(3个) 需要INI文件:AUTODOWN.INI global type f_connect_copyfile from function_object end type forward prototypes global function integer f_connect_copyfile (string as_path, hprogressbar hpb_

global type f_connect_copyfile from function_object
end type

forward prototypes
global function integer f_connect_copyfile (string as_path, hprogressbar hpb_1, long al_copycount, listbox lb_filecopy1, listbox lb_filecopy2, listbox lb_filecopy3)
end prototypes

global function integer f_connect_copyfile (string as_path, hprogressbar hpb_1, long al_copycount, listbox lb_filecopy1, listbox lb_filecopy2, listbox lb_filecopy3);
string ls_user
string ls_pass
string ls_directorya1,ls_directorya2
string ls_directoryb1,ls_directoryb2
string ls_directoryc1,ls_directoryc2

ls_directorya1 = as_path
ls_directorya2 = gs_application_path

string ls_filename,ls_file
string ls_filename1,ls_filename2

long ll_filecounta1,ll_filecounta2
long ll_filecountb1,ll_filecountb2
long ll_filecountc1,ll_filecountc2

long ll_cnt1
long ll_cnt2
long ll_cnt3
long ll_m
long ll_ret = 1

s_WIN32_FIND_DATA ss_file1,ss_file2
long ll_filehandle1,ll_filehandle2

ls_file = ls_directorya1 + '\*.*'
If Not lb_filecopy1.DirList(ls_file, 0+1+2+16) Then
 Return 0
End If
hpb_1.position = 0
ll_filecounta1 = lb_filecopy1.TotalItems()
ll_m = 0
if al_copycount = 0 then al_copycount = 1
For ll_cnt1 = 1 To ll_filecounta1
 ls_File = lb_filecopy1.Text(ll_cnt1)
 w_autodown_test.st_2.text = ls_file
 if left(ls_file,1) = '[' then
  ls_filename = right(ls_file,len(ls_file) - 1)
  ls_filename = left(ls_filename,len(ls_filename) - 1)
  if ls_filename = '..' then continue
  ls_directoryb1 = ls_directorya1 + '\' + ls_filename
  ls_directoryb2 = ls_directorya2 + '\' + ls_filename
  if directoryexists(ls_directoryb2) = false then
   hpb_1.position = ll_m / al_copycount * 100
  end if
  ls_file = ls_directoryb1 + '\*.*'
  lb_filecopy2.DirList(ls_file, 0+1+2+16)
  ll_filecountb1 = lb_filecopy2.TotalItems()
  for ll_cnt2 = 1 to ll_filecountb1
   ls_File = lb_filecopy2.Text(ll_cnt2)
   w_autodown_test.st_2.text = ls_file
   if left(ls_file,1) = '[' then
    ls_filename = right(ls_file,len(ls_file) - 1)
    ls_filename = left(ls_filename,len(ls_filename) - 1)
    if ls_filename = '..' then continue
    ls_directoryc1 = ls_directoryb1 + '\' + ls_filename
    ls_directoryc2 = ls_directoryb2 + '\' + ls_filename
    if directoryexists(ls_directoryc2) = false then
     hpb_1.position = ll_m / al_copycount * 100
    end if
    ls_file = ls_directoryc1 + '\*.*'
    lb_filecopy3.DirList(ls_file, 0+1+2+16)
    ll_filecountc1 = lb_filecopy3.TotalItems()
    for ll_cnt3 = 1 to ll_filecountc1
     ls_File = lb_filecopy3.Text(ll_cnt3)
     w_autodown_test.st_2.text = ls_file
     if ls_file = '[..]' then continue
     ls_filename1 = ls_directoryc1 + '\' + ls_file
     ls_filename2 = ls_directoryc2 + '\' + ls_file
     if fileexists(ls_filename2) = false then
      hpb_1.position = ll_m / al_copycount * 100
      ll_filehandle1 = FindFirstFileA(ls_filename1,ss_file1)
      ll_filehandle2 = FindFirstFileA(ls_filename2,ss_file2)
      choose case CompareFileTime(ss_file1.ftlastwritetime,ss_file2.ftlastwritetime)
       case 0
       case 1
        hpb_1.position = ll_m / al_copycount * 100
       case -1
      end choose
     end if
    ls_filename1 = ls_directoryb1 + '\' + ls_file
    ls_filename2 = ls_directoryb2 + '\' + ls_file
    if fileexists(ls_filename2) = false then
     hpb_1.position = ll_m / al_copycount * 100
     ll_filehandle1 = FindFirstFileA(ls_filename1,ss_file1)
     ll_filehandle2 = FindFirstFileA(ls_filename2,ss_file2)
     choose case CompareFileTime(ss_file1.ftlastwritetime,ss_file2.ftlastwritetime)
      case 0
      case 1
       hpb_1.position = ll_m / al_copycount * 100
      case -1
     end choose
    end if
   end if
  ls_filename1 = ls_directorya1 + '\' + ls_file
  ls_filename2 = ls_directorya2 + '\' + ls_file
  if fileexists(ls_filename2) = false then
   hpb_1.position = ll_m / al_copycount * 100
   ll_filehandle1 = FindFirstFileA(ls_filename1,ss_file1)
   ll_filehandle2 = FindFirstFileA(ls_filename2,ss_file2)
   choose case CompareFileTime(ss_file1.ftlastwritetime,ss_file2.ftlastwritetime)
    case 0
    case 1
     choose case lower(ls_file)
      case 'hbky_autodown.exe' //下载程序
      case 'hbky_autodown.pbd'
      //case 'autodown.ini'
      case else
       hpb_1.position = ll_m / al_copycount * 100
     end choose
    case -1
   end choose
  end if
 end if
hpb_1.position = 0
return ll_ret
end function

