调用MSSQLSERVER的系统过程xp_cmdshell发生错误:xpsql.cpp: 错误 来自 GetP

发表于:2007-06-07来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
--消息 50001,级别 1,状态 50001 --xpsql.cpp: 错误 87 来自 GetProxyAccount(第 604 行) 打开SQLSERVER的企业管理器,进入管理,右键点击Sql Server代理点击属性; 首先你要允许非SysAdmin权限的用户执行CmdExec.....,然后指定一个账号。 不过,你需要
--消息 50001,级别 1,状态 50001
--xpsql.cpp: 错误 87 来自 GetProxyAclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccount(第 604 行)

打开SQLSERVER的企业管理器,进入“管理”,右键点击“Sql Server代理”点击属性;


You don't have to use a domain account.  When you go into the  "job system" properties on your sql agent, click the "reset proxy account".  it will ask you for a new user/password and domain.  For the domain, just put the name of the local server (of course, that account has to exist on the local server).
Also, I'm sure you know what the risk is by allowing non-syadmins the ability to execute XP_CMDSHELL....
