加總 sum

发表于:2007-06-07来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
select term,dseq,sum((RQTY * price /100 ) * case CDI when 'I' then 1 when 'D' then -1 when 'C' then -1 else 1 end ) from iack where bhno='5183' and term+dseq in (select term+dseq from iack where bhno='5183' and CDI='C' ) group by term,dseq

select term,dseq,sum((RQTY  * price /100 ) * case CDI when 'I' then 1 when 'D' then -1 when 'C' then -1 else 1 end ) from iack where  bhno='5183' and term+dseq in (select term+dseq from iack  where bhno='5183'  and CDI='C'  ) group by term,dseq

select term,sum((RQTY  * price /100 ) * case CDI when 'I' then 1 when 'D' then -1 when 'C' then -1 else 1 end ) from iack where  bhno='5181'  group by term

select * from iack where bhno='5181' and term+dseq in (select term+dseq from iack  where bhno='5181'  and tqty <> bfqty and tqty <>AFQTY and BFQTY <> AFQTY  ) order by term,dseq,mgtime

select * from iack where bhno='5183' and term+dseq in (select term+dseq from iack  where bhno='5183'  and CDI='C'  ) order by term,dseq,mgtime

select * from imat where bhno='5181' and term + dseq in (select term+dseq from iack  where bhno='5181'  and tqty <> bfqty and tqty <>AFQTY and BFQTY <> AFQTY  )

select term,dseq,sum((RQTY  * price /100 ) * case CDI when 'I' then 1
