Oracle Rman/tivoli-TDP/下数据恢复到节点

发表于:2007-05-26来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
AIX平台:4.3.3 Oracle版本: 8.0.5 从节点RS/6000 h50b备份的数据现恢复到节点43p-db。 43p-db: 一、把43p-db的tdpo_node文件的TDPO_NODE改为 h50b的node name # vi /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ oracle /bin/tdpo.opt TDPO_NODE tdp_h50b # cd /usr/tivoli/ts


Oracle版本: 8.0.5

从节点RS/6000 h50b备份的数据现恢复到节点43p-db。



一、把43p-db的tdpo_node文件的TDPO_NODE改为 h50b的node name

# vi /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/bin/tdpo.opt
            TDPO_NODE               tdp_h50b
            # cd /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/bin/
            # tdpoconf password
            *       Tivoli Data Protection for Oracle Utility           *
            *  Password file initialization/update program              *
            *     ROOT privilege needed to update value                 *
            Please enter current password:
            Please enter new password:
            Please reenter new password for verification:
            ANU0260I Password successfully changed.

二、Copy h50B的configora8_sb.ora initora8_sb.ora和口令文件到43p-db相应目录。所有相应的目录都要预先创建好。

三、43p-db的oracle为Startup nomount状态。

            $ export ORACLE_SID=ora8_sb
            $ rman target system/passwd1@43p-db rcvcat rman/rman@forjy
            Recovery Manager: Release - Production
            RMAN-06006: connected to target database: ora8_sb (not mounted)
            RMAN-06008: connected to recovery catalog database
            RMAN> run {
            allocate channel t1 type 'sbt_tape' parms
            restore controlfile to '/sbfs/ctl01sb.ctl';
            release channel t1;
            allocate channel d1 type disk;
            replicate controlfile from '/sbfs/ctl01sb.ctl';
            sql 'alter database mount';
            release channel d1;
            RMAN-03022: compiling command: allocate
            RMAN-03023: executing command: allocate
            RMAN-08030: allocated channel: t1
            RMAN-08500: channel t1: sid=12 devtype=SBT_TAPE
            RMAN-03022: compiling command: restore
            RMAN-03022: compiling command: IRESTORE
            RMAN-03023: executing command: IRESTORE
            RMAN-08016: channel t1: starting datafile backupset restore
            RMAN-08502: set_count=0 set_stamp=0
            RMAN-08021: channel t1: restoring controlfile
            RMAN-08505: output filename=/sbfs/ctl01sb.ctl
            RMAN-08023: channel t1: restored backup piece 1
            RMAN-08511: piece handle=ORA8_SB_full_497711454_17_1 params=NULL
            RMAN-08024: channel t1: restore complete
            RMAN-03022: compiling command: release
            RMAN-03023: executing command: release
            RMAN-08031: released channel: t1
            RMAN-03022: compiling command: allocate
            RMAN-03023: executing command: allocate
            RMAN-08030: allocated channel: d1
            RMAN-08500: channel d1: sid=12 devtype=DISK
            RMAN-03022: compiling command: replicate
            RMAN-03023: executing command: replicate
            RMAN-08058: replicating controlfile
            RMAN-08506: input filename=/sbfs/ctl01sb.ctl
            RMAN-08505: output filename=/sbfs/sbdata1/ctl02sb.ctl
            RMAN-08505: output filename=/sbfs/sbdata2/ctl03sb.ctl
            RMAN-03022: compiling command: sql
            RMAN-06162: sql statement: alter database mount
            RMAN-03023: executing command: sql
            RMAN-03022: compiling command: release
            RMAN-03023: executing command: release
            RMAN-08031: released channel: d1
            Recovery Manager complete.

四、获取最近ARCHIVED REDO LOGS线程中最小的SCN号,进行不完全恢复。

            SQL> SELECT min(scn) FROM (SELECT max(next_change#) scn
            FROM v$archived_log GROUP BY thread#);


$  rman target system/passwd1@43p-db rcvcat rman/rman@forjy
            Recovery Manager: Release - Production
            RMAN-06005: connected to target database: ORA8_SB
            RMAN-06008: connected to recovery catalog database
            RMAN> run {
            set until scn= 99561745;
            allocate channel t1 type 'sbt_tape' parms
            restore database;
            recover database;
            release channel t1;
            sql "alter database open resetlogs";
            RMAN-03022: compiling command: set
            RMAN-03022: compiling command: allocate
            RMAN-03023: executing command: allocate
            RMAN-08030: allocated channel: t1
            RMAN-08500: channel t1: sid=10 devtype=SBT_TAPE
            RMAN-03022: compiling command: restore
            RMAN-03022: compiling command: IRESTORE
            RMAN-03023: executing command: IRESTORE
            RMAN-08016: channel t1: starting datafile backupset restore
            RMAN-08502: set_count=17 set_stamp=497711454
            RMAN-08019: channel t1: restoring datafile 1
            RMAN-08509: destination for restore of datafile 1:
            RMAN-08019: channel t1: restoring datafile 2
            RMAN-08509: destination for restore of datafile 2:
            RMAN-08019: channel t1: restoring datafile 3
            RMAN-08509: destination for restore of datafile 3:
            RMAN-08019: channel t1: restoring datafile 4
            RMAN-08509: destination for restore of datafile 4:
            RMAN-08019: channel t1: restoring datafile 5
            RMAN-08509: destination for restore of datafile 5:
            RMAN-08019: channel t1: restoring datafile 6
            RMAN-08509: destination for restore of datafile 6:
            RMAN-08019: channel t1: restoring datafile 7
            RMAN-08509: destination for restore of datafile 7:
            RMAN-08019: channel t1: restoring datafile 8
            RMAN-08509: destination for restore of datafile 8:
            RMAN-08023: channel t1: restored backup piece 1
            RMAN-08511: piece handle=ORA8_SB_full_497711454_17_1 params=NULL
            RMAN-08024: channel t1: restore complete
            RMAN-03023: executing command: partial resync
            RMAN-08003: starting partial resync of recovery catalog
            RMAN-08005: partial resync complete
            RMAN-03022: compiling command: recover
            RMAN-03022: compiling command: recover(1)
            RMAN-03023: executing command: partial resync
            RMAN-03022: compiling command: recover(2)
            RMAN-03022: compiling command: recover(3)
            RMAN-03023: executing command: recover(3)
            RMAN-08054: starting media recovery
            RMAN-08060: unable to find archivelog
            RMAN-08510: archivelog thread=1 sequence=12
            RMAN-03022: compiling command: recover(4)
            RMAN-03023: executing command: recover(4)
              channel t1: starting archivelog restore to default destination
            RMAN-08022: channel t1: restoring archivelog
            RMAN-08510: archivelog thread=1 sequence=12
            RMAN-08023: channel t1: restored backup piece 1
            RMAN-08511: piece handle=ORA8_SB_arch_497711757_18_1 params=NULL
            RMAN-08024: channel t1: restore complete
            RMAN-08515: archivelog
              thread=1 sequence=12
            RMAN-08055: media recovery complete
            RMAN-03022: compiling command: release
            RMAN-03023: executing command: release
            RMAN-08031: released channel: t1
            RMAN-03022: compiling command: sql
            RMAN-06162: sql statement: alter database open resetlogs
            RMAN-03023: executing command: sql
