
发表于:2007-05-25来源:作者:点击数: 标签:02560个题42passpassed考试
60个题, 42pass。 I passed with 47/60. Sestion: Ora Recovery Structure and Process 5 Ora Backup and Recvery Configration 7 Physical BK without RMAN8 Complete Rec without RMAN5 Incomp Ora Rec with Archiving3 Ora Export and import Utl3 Addi

  60个题, 42pass。 I passed with 47/60.
  Ora Recovery Structure and Process 5
  Ora Backup and Recvery Configration 7
  Physical BK without RMAN 8
  Complete Rec without RMAN 5
  Incomp Ora Rec with Archiving 3
  Ora Export and import Utl 3
  Additional Rec Issues 3
  Ora Utl for Troubleshooting 4
  Ora RMAN Overview 2
  Ora Rec Catalog... 6
  BK using RMAN 5
  Restoration and Rec using RMAN 4
  Ora Standby DB 5
  1. 从Primary DB 到standby DB传送archived log时,有哪两中方法(2)
   a. may confige Primary DB to send archived log automaticly;
   b. may confige Standby DB to send archived log automaticly;
   c. Standby DB may get from Primary DB auto when it is running in managed recovery mode;
  2. alter database clone database; 该command的目的:(2or3?)
   a 实现TSPITR;
   b 可以transport tablespace
   c 可以在export时指定参数transport_tablespace
  3. archive log 可以deff的个数受那些限制
   mandonary 的个数
  4. logminer 的functions:
  5. 还有一个连接target DB和catalog的语法题
  6. diffrence between onlogging clause used in single DB envoriment and in standby envoriment?
  7. use RMAN to restore a datafile, place all steps in correct order.
   check db status
   list and see all database files
   backup whole db
  8. 异步i/o的使用配置, 我直接空着了
  9. RC 的备份应作为备份策略考虑进去
  10 RMAN 在noarchivelog模式下, 需要备份的文件
