
发表于:2007-05-25来源:作者:点击数: 标签:oracle汇总经典功能常用
* SQL Group Functions (num can be a column or expression) * (null values are ignored, default between distinct and all is all) * ******************************************************************************* AVG([distinct or all] num) --

  * SQL Group Functions (num can be a column or expression)           *
  (null values are ignored, default between distinct and all is all)      *
  AVG([distinct or all] num)   -- average value
  COUNT(distinct or all] num)   -- number of values
  MAX([distinct or all] num)   -- maximum value
  MAX([distinct or all] num)   -- minimum value
  STDDEV([distinct or all] num)  -- standard deviation
  SUM([distinct or all] num)   -- sum of values
  VARIANCE([distinct or all] num) -- variance of values
  * Miscellaneaous Functions :                         *
  DECODE(expr, srch1, return1 [,srch2, return2...], default]
      -- if no search matches the expression then the default is returned,
      -- otherwise, the first search that matches will cause
      -- the corresponding return value to be returned
  DUMP(column_name [,fmt [,start_pos [, length]]])
     -- returns an internal oracle format, used for getting info about a column
     -- format options : 8 = octal, 10 = decimel, 16 = hex, 17 = characters
     -- return type codes : 1 = varchar2, 2 = number, 8 = long, 12 = date,
     --  23 = raw, 24 = long raw, 69 = rowid, 96 = char, 106 = mlslabel
  GREATEST(expr [,expr2 [, expr3...]]
     -- returns the largest value of all expressions
  LEAST(expr [,expr2 [, expr3...]]
     -- returns the smallest value of all expressions
  NVL(expr1 ,expr2
     -- if expr1 is not null, it is returned, otherwise expr2 is returned
     -- returns sql error code of last error. Can not be used directly in query,
     -- value must be set to local variable first
     -- returns sql error message of last error. Can not be used directly in query,
     -- value must be set to local variable first
     -- returns the user id of the user you are logged on as
     -- useful in selecting information from low level sys tables
     -- returns the user name of the user you are logged on as
     -- returns information about the user you are logged on as
     --      (all options not available in all Oracle versions)
     -- returns the number of bytes used by the expression
     -- useful in selecting information about table space requirements
  * SQL Date Functions (dt represents oracle date and time)           *
  * (functions return an oracle date unless otherwise specified)        *
  ADD_MONTHS(dt, num)   -- adds num months to dt (num can be negative)
  LAST_DAY(dt)       -- last day of month in month containing dt
  MONTHS_BETWEEN(dt1, dt2) -- returns fractional value of months between dt1, dt2
  NEW_TIME(dt, tz1, tz2)  -- dt = date in time zone 1, returns date in time zone 2
  NEXT_DAY(dt, str)    -- date of first (str) after dt (str = 'Monday', etc..)
  SYSDATE         -- present system date
  ROUND(dt [,fmt]     -- rounds dt as specified by format fmt
  TRUNC(dt [,fmt]     -- truncates dt as specified by format fmt
  * Number Functions :                             *
  ABS(num)       -- absolute value of num
  CEIL(num)      -- smallest integer > or = num
  COS(num)       -- cosine(num), num in radians
  COSH(num)      -- hyperbolic cosine(num)
  EXP(num)       -- e raised to the num power
  FLOOR(num)      -- largest integer < or = num
  LN(num)       -- natural logarithm of num
  LOG(num2, num1)   -- logarithm base num2 of num1
  MOD(num2, num1)   -- remainder of num2 / num1
  POWER(num2, num1)  -- num2 raised to the num1 power
  ROUND(num1 [,num2]  -- num1 rounded to num2 decimel places (default 0)
  SIGN(num)      -- sign of num * 1, 0 if num = 0
  SIN(num)       -- sin(num), num in radians
  SINH(num)      -- hyperbolic sine(num)
  SQRT(num)      -- square root of num
  TAN(num)       -- tangent(num), num in radians
  TANH(num)      -- hyperbolic tangent(num)
  TRUNC(num1 [,num2]  -- truncate num1 to num2 decimel places (default 0)
  * String Functions, String Result :                      *
  (num)          -- ASCII character for num
  CHR(num)        -- ASCII character for num
  CONCAT(str1, str2)   -- str1 concatenated with str2 (same as str1||str2)
  INITCAP(str)      -- capitalize first letter of each word in str
  LOWER(str)       -- str with all letters in lowercase
  LPAD(str1, num [,str2]) -- left pad str1 to length num with str2 (default spaces)
  LTRIM(str [,set])    -- remove set from left side of str (default spaces)
  NLS_INITCAP(str [,nls_val]) -- same as initcap for different languages
  NLS_LOWER(str [,nls_val])  -- same as lower for different languages
  REPLACE(str1, str2 [,str3]) -- replaces str2 with str3 in str1
                 -- deletes str2 from str1 if str3 is omitted
  RPAD(str1, num [,str2])   -- right pad str1 to length num with str2 (default spaces)
  RTRIM(str [,set])      -- remove set from right side of str (default spaces)
  SOUNDEX(str)        -- ph.netic representation of str
  SUBSTR(str, num2 [,num1])  -- substring of str, starting with num2,
                 -- num1 characters (to end of str if num1 is omitted)
  SUBSTRB(str, num2 [,num1]) -- same as substr but num1, num2 expressed in bytes
  TRANSLATE(str, set1, set2) -- replaces set1 in str with set2
                 -- if set2 is longer than set1, it will be truncated
  UPPER(str)         -- str with all letters in uppercase
  * String Functions, Numeric Result :                     *
  ASCII(str)            -- ASCII value of str
  INSTR(str1, str2 [,num1 [,num2]]) -- position of num2th oclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccurrence of
                    -- str2 in str1, starting at num1
                    -- (num1, num2 default to 1)
  INSTRB(str1, str2 [,num1 [num2]]) -- same as instr, byte values for num1, num2
  LENGTH(str)            -- number of characters in str
  LENGTHB(str)           -- number of bytes in str
  NLSSORT(str [,nls_val])      -- nls_val byte value of str
  * SQL Conversion Functions                          *
  CHARTOROWID(str)          -- converts str to ROWID
  CONVERT(str, chr_set2 [,chr_set1]) -- converts str to chr_set2
                    -- chr_set1 default is the datbase character set
  HEXTORAW(str)     -- converts hex string value to internal raw values
  RAWTOHEX(raw_val)   -- converts raw hex value to hex string value
  ROWIDTOCHAR(rowid)  -- converts rowid to 18 character string format
  TO_CHAR(expr [,fmt]) -- converts expr(date or number) to format specified by fmt
  TO_DATE(str [,fmt])  -- converts string to date
  TO_MULTI_BYTE(str)  -- converts single byte string to multi byte string
  TO_NUMBER(str [,fmt]) -- converts str to a number formatted by fmt
  TO_SINGLE_BYTE(str)  -- converts multi byte string to single byte string
  * SQL Date Formats                              *
  BC, B.C.    BC indicator
  AD, A.D.    AD indicator
  CC, SCC     Century Code (SCC includes space or - sign)
  YYYY, SYYYY   4 digit year (SYYYY includes space or - sign)
  IYYY      4 digit ISO year
  Y,YYY      4 digit year with comma
  YYY, YY, or Y  last 3, 2, or 1 digit of year
  YEAR, SYEAR   year spelled out (SYEAR includes space or - sign)
  RR       last 2 digits of year in prior or next century
  Q        quarter or year, 1 to 4
  MM       month - from 01 to 12
  MONTH      month spelled out
  MON       month 3 letter abbreviation
  RM       roman numeral for month
  WW       week of year, 1 to 53
  IW       ISO week of year, 1 to 52 or 1 to 53
  W        week of month, 1 to 5 (week 1 begins 1st day of the month)
  D        day of week, 1 to 7
  DD       day of month, 1 to 31
  DDD       day of year, 1 to 366
  DAY       day of week spelled out, nine characters right padded
  DY       day abbreviation
  J        # of days since Jan 1, 4712 BC
  HH, HH12    hour of day, 1 to 12
  HH24      hour of day, 0 to 23
  MI       minute of hour, 0 to 59
  SS       second of minute, 0 to 59
  SSSSS      seconds past midnight, 0 to 86399
  AM, A.M.    am indicator
  PM, P.M.    pm indicator
  any puctuation punctuation between format items, as in 'DD/MM/YY'
  any text    text between format items
  TH       converts 1 to '1st', 2 to '2nd', and so on
  SP       converts 1 to 'one', 2 to 'two', and so on
  SPTH      converts 1 to 'FIRST', 2 to 'SECOND', and so on
  FX       fill exact : uses exact pattern matching
  FM       fill mode : toggles suppression of blanks in output
