PL/SQL Developer特别版

发表于:2007-05-25来源:作者:点击数: 标签:sql6.0.4.906Developer特别
PL/SQL Developer 是我平时管理Oracle 数据库 使用最频繁的Oracle客户端GUI程序。 目前最新的版本是:6.0.4 January 5, 2005 - Version 6.0.4 released Enhancements Package bodies, type bodies, and materialized views would disappear from user define
PL/SQL Developer是我平时管理Oracle数据库使用最频繁的Oracle客户端GUI程序。


January 5, 2005 - Version 6.0.4 released
  • Package bodies, type bodies, and materialized views would disappear from user defined folders
  • Opening a user defined folder when disconnected would lead to "Not logged on" messages
  • Reports menu did not show directories with only subdirectories correct
  • Instantiable and final member procedures were not displayed correctly in the Code Contents
  • Text Importer file associations are now stored in user.prefs, not in Import\import.files
  • SQL() function added to Data Generator
  • Table creation DDL for partition values ending with a parenthesis were incorrect
  • Popup menu in various editors were missing "Insert Template" submenu
  • Fixed "cannot convert string to double" error
  • Fixed problem with disappearing last row while pasting into grid
  • Title of Program Window would not change from View to Edit if Window changed to Edit mode
  • Command windows now displays CLOB and XMLTYPE in aclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccordance with the SET LONG setting
  • Replace All in Find dialog now also includes the current selection
  • Code Assistant could not resolve local variable names in a Test Script or Trigger
  • Code Assistant could not resolve variables of a type in another schema
  • Command Window and SQL Window will no longer silently retry after "ORA-04068, Existing state of packages has been discarded"
  • Using a variable in an exception handler could cause incorrect "Unused variable value" hint
  • Double-clicking on a package in the Object Browser could display 2 Program Windows if the package body was wrapped
  • Pasting data in result grid did not update NULL indicator color
  • Added sound to Warning and Error messages
  • Data Generator could give a "list index out of bounds" for Files() function with only one file
  • Logon History did not always display all grouped items
  • Fixed link to Direct Oracle Access (5 variables limit)
  • Copy comma separated from browser would not work for closed folders
  • Suppressed dialogs (Don't show this message again) still gave a sound
  • Duplicate reports (same path and file) in reports menu prevented
  • Program Window could split source on a slash in the middle of a line
  • Dropping an object in the SQL Window would not update the Object Browser
  • Replace All was not restricted to the selected scope
  • Preference "Wrap to start / end of file when text is not found" did not work
  • Using +variable or -variable could cause incorrect "Unused variable" hints
  • Command Window now issues a warning when a connection is re-established
  • Refreshing the Session Window with a disconnected PL/SQL Developer session would cause errors
  • SQL Window always auto-sizes columns unless you have explicitly resized a column
  • Recent files list is now passed to a second PL/SQL Developer instance
