Author: David Euler
Date: 2004/11/17
SQL Server Books Online上面搜索like,找到了包含%,_,[],[^]几个通配符。
如:select * from mybbs where Content like '[w]%'
SQL Server Books中的部分解释如下:
The LIKE keyword uses a regular expression to contain the pattern that the values are matched against. The pattern contains the character string to search for, which can contain any combination of four wildcards.
Wildcard | Meaning |
% | Any string of zero or more characters. |
_ | Any single character. |
[ ] | Any single character within the specified range (for example, [a-f]) or set (for example, [abcdef]). |
[^] | Any single character not within the specified range (for example, [^a - f]) or set (for example, [^abcdef]). |
Enclose the wildcard(s) and the character string in single quotation marks, for example:
This query finds all phone numbers in the authors table that have area code 415:
SELECT phone
FROM pubs.dbo.authors
WHERE phone LIKE '415%'