Reasons Why DW Fails (Part 1): The Data Warehouse

发表于:2007-05-25来源:作者:点击数: 标签:ReasonsFailsDatWhyPART
YES, it is true. The data warehouse as an entity in itself does not conform to nature. This puts it at a serious disadvantage to begin with. You might be thinking, Why does it not conform to nature? YES, it is true. The data warehouse as a

YES, it is true. The data warehouse as an entity in itself does not conform to nature. This puts it at a serious disadvantage to begin with.

You might be thinking, "Why does it not conform to nature?"

YES, it is true. The data warehouse as an entity in itself does not conform to nature. This puts it at a serious disadvantage to begin with.

You might be thinking, "Why does it not conform to nature?"


When we look at nature we see a particular design philosophy inherent. Life started as a cell with a nucleus. The nucleus sits in the centre of the cell and controls it. To grow - the cell divides and multiplies.

In fact, last night, I saw my partner give a demonstration speech at a Toastmasters meeting for the club competition. He had brought an ultrasound picture showing his first child at the age of 8 weeks (in the womb). He mentioned in his speech that this life is doing math - dividing and multiplying.

The whole issue of cloning deals with this issue. Give me a cell and I will return you and a complete sheep, goat, etc.

The cells that divide and multiply until an entity is formed (e.g. a rosebush) then has the ability to function as a total entity. All the different parts of the plant (roots, leaves, flowers, etc.) have the ability to function at their level and contribute to the whole in an amazing co-ordinated harmony.

The data warehouse is a soulless entity that does not have a nucleus as such. It is an artificial construct (a universe of data entities). We align it to legal entities to generate licence fees for instance.

It does not align with individuals.

Another example is the way the brain works. As we learn and grow it forms neural.networks that link up together. Everything we learn starts at a point (nucleus) and grows outwards.

The DW is this monstrosity that sits over everyone and tries to grow inwards to meet the needs of individuals.

It is a flawed approach.

It is not natural.
