Annotations:hype or not?
3月23号,jcp发布了JSR 250: Common Annotations for the Java TM Platform early draft review(,引发了tss的一场规模不大不小的讨论(,其中一条reply让人
3月23号,jcp发布了JSR 250: Common Annotations for the
JavaTM Platform early draft review(,引发了tss的一场规模不大不小的讨论(,其中一条reply让人感觉很有意思:SpringFramework的Rod Johnson的一条reply说:Hani ??????? Posted by: Rod Johnson on March 24, 2005 in response to Message #163144 1 replies in this thread Talking of membership, my application to join the JSR-250 expert group when it was established (last August or September I think) was rejected.RgdsRod 然后又有个简短的回应:And?这个and,我理解的意思是: 那又如何呢?或者,那又说明什么呢?
如果说JSR 250还主要是针对J2EE的,那么下面的针对J2SE的"is evil"系列的关于annotation新文章竟又牵出了DomainObject/ServiceObject以及贫血模型的议题:
不仅仅是用到语言方面,annotation现在还想到Validity Constraints方
面试一把:下面的评论有一条非常的尖刻:Yet another stupid idea. Now is the time for annotation hype and everybody will try to use it, properly or not.
在公元2005年的今天,annotation的确应该算是一个超级炒冷饭,那么,是不是象评论中说的那样,有人Just invent something, spread the word and hope you will get famous呢?我们拭目以待.