Finalists announced for JavaWorld Editors Choice Awards

发表于:2007-07-01来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
And the finalists are: Best Java Virtual Machine Blackdown 1.3 Linux , Java HotSpot Server VM 2.0, Solaris, Sun Microsystems Java HotSpot Server VM 2.0, Windows , Sun Microsystems Best Java IDE JBuilder 4 Enterprise, Borland S
And the finalists are:

Best Java Virtual Machine
Blackdown 1.3 Linux,
Java HotSpot Server VM 2.0, Solaris, Sun Microsystems
Java HotSpot Server VM 2.0, Windows, Sun Microsystems

Best Java IDE
JBuilder 4 Enterprise, Borland Software
Forte for Java 2.0, Sun Microsystems
VisualAge for Java 3.5, Enterprise Edition, IBM

Best Java Performance Monitoring/Testing Tool
Optimizeit 4.0, VMGear
JUnit 3.5,
Jtest 3.3, ParaSoft

Best Java Class Library
JGL 3.1, ObjectSpace
The Collections Framework, Sun Microsystems
JClass Enterprise Suite 4.5.1, Sitraka Software

Best Java Application Server
WebSphere Application Server 3.5, Advanced Edition, IBM
BEA WebLogic Server 6.0, BEA Systems
iPlanet Application Server 6.0, Enterprise Edition, iPlanet E-Commerce Solutions

Best Java Device Application
WebSphere Transcoding Publisher 3.5, IBM
Whiteboard SDK 1.0, Bluetooth Edition, Zucotto Wireless
Java 2 Platform Micro Edition, Wireless Toolkit 1.0.1, Sun Microsystems

Best Java-XML Technology
Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) 1.1, Sun Microsystems
Xalan-Java 1.2.2, The Apache XML Project
XML Parser for Java 3.1.1, IBM alphaWorks

Best Java Book
Java Servlet Programming, Second Edition, Jason Hunter, William Crawford (O@#Reilly & Associates, 2001)
Java Performance Tuning, Jack Shirazi (O@#Reilly & Associates, 2000)
Thinking in Java, Second Edition, Bruce Eckel (Prentice Hall, 2000)

Most Useful New or Revised Java API/Technology
Java Message Service API 1.0.2, Sun Microsystems
Log4j 1.0.4, The Jakarta Project
Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP), Sun Microsystems/JCP

Most Innovative Java Product
Tomcat 3.2, The Jakarta Project
Java Web Start 1.0, Sun Microsystems
VisualAge for Java 3.5, Enterprise Edition, IBM
