Guideline for SCJD2 Exam

发表于:2007-07-01来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
Guideline for SCJD2 Exam by our honor member, Sun cerified Java developer Shashank Tanksali Introduction Sun Certified Developer for the Java?2 PlatFORM exam Number 310-027, available July 31, 1999 The Sun Certified Java developer examinat
Guideline for SCJD2 Exam
by our honor member, Sun cerified Java developer
Shashank Tanksali


Sun Certified Developer for the Java?2 PlatFORM exam Number 310-027, available July 31, 1999

The Sun Certified Java developer examination is a practical exam rather than an objective exam.Given below are some of the dos and dont@#s of SCJD.

Who should take up SCJD

Technically speaking, only those who have completed their SCJP can take SCJD. Anybody who wants to go beyond mere programming skills and learn all aspec?ts of a complete development process can take up SCJD. SCJD is equally useful for both an experienced software professional, who wants to keep his knowledge level current. It is also useful for software professionals, who have non java related work experience, but would like to switch to Java. It is also extremely useful for people with no prior software development experience, as it gives them an opportunity to demonstrate their skills to prospective employers. For people, who want to experience the full software development process and who especially like perFORMance based exams, SCJD is ideal.

What will I get with SCJD

SCJD is a third party validation of your development skills, and who better than the originators of Java can validate your skills. Since SCJD is a complete project assignment and not just a knowledge based examination, the process matters more than the end result. With SCJD, a person refines his analytical skills, decision making skills and of course programming skills.Also since there is no time limit, anybody can take up SCJD to suit their own work schedules. Overall once you have completed SCJD, you will find yourself a better developer, who can use Java in conjunction with all the other skills required to develop great software.

Approach to SCJD

The objective of the SCJD exam is not to get the assignment working, but rather to enjoy the experience of learning new technologies, analyzing requirements,making suitable assumptions, designing a system,learning design patterns and in general developing an entire application alone. The good thing about the SCJD exam is that it is full of ambiguities, incomplete specifications etc, which force you to think and decide what needs to be done.It is this experience, which will be rewarding in the long run.
Many people cannot resist the temptation to start coding and directly jump to coding. Coding should be considered only after the entire design has been finalized, and it should be a mechanical process to translate a good design to Java code.

SCJD Checklist
This is not an exhaustive checklist, but it should give some inFORMation about what needs to be completed before the project submission.

  • Are all the assumptions made in     the project clearly documented ?
        The examiner should not have to guess what assumptions     you made. If you made an assumption, it should be clearly     documented in the submitted document. It might be even     better to have an assumptions section in the document, so     that the examiner clearly knows what you had in mind,     when you designed the system. The best way to keep track     of assumptions made is to put them in a document, as and     when the assumptions are made. Documentation is not     something done at the end, rather it should be done in     parallel with development.  

  • Is a suitable package structure     used for the project assignment ?
        Java classes which logically belong together should go     into a separate package.  

  • Is finally used in all the     appropriate places ?
        For example, if a client acquires a lock and then due to     some reason, there is an exception, the client should     release the lock before returning, immaterial of whether     there was an exception or not.  

  • Are the Javadoc comments written     on the same lines as the api documentation ?  

  • What is the exception handling     mechanism used ?
        Do exceptions cascade all the way to the top or are they     handled where they can potentially oclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccur ? An end user     should not be forced to handle an internal exception, if     it is of no interest to him.  

  • Is the atomicity in the     application guaranteed ?
        Atomicity in short is either everything or nothing. So if     a booking is taking place for a flight and a record is     locked, either the booking should go through or if the     number of seats etc are not available, the entire     transaction should be rolled back. The database should     not be left in an inconsistent state even if the     application crashes.  

  • Is the user documentation clear     enough to allow anybody to use the system ?
    The preferred way to package applications is by     using executable jar files. With executable jar files,     the classpath etc need not be set. Executable jar files     are a new feature in Java 2, and it makes sense to use     it.  

  • Documenting design decisions
    Are all the design decisions clearly documented.     When a design decision is documented, the alternatives     considered, their relative merits and demerits need to be     also documented. Basically the examiner is interested in     knowing why you chose a particular approach over     another.Design decisions should be briefly and clearly     explained and should not run into several pages.  

  • Use of standard design patterns
    Whereever possible, use design patterns. Design     patterns are tried and tested ways of accomplishing a     particular task. Using design patterns tells the examiner     that you have done your homework.  

  • Error handling
    Do not expect sensible data to be provided to     your application always. How does the data converter     behave if the data supplied to it does not match the     schema supplied ? What happens if a negative number or a     non numberic value is entered for the number of seats ?     For example if the 20th row in the input data file for     the data converter is wrong,the data converter should     either skip the row, log an error and continue, or it     should give an option to the user to choose an action     (either abort entire conversion or skip bad record). The     data converter should not load 19 records, throw an     exception and exit.
        Also document clearly, the expected outcome in case of an     error. For example, you might document that the data     converter ignores bad data.  

  • Code clarity
    The best comment you can write is readable code.     With readable code, there is no need to write comments.  

  • Is the indentation uniFORM all     over the code and according to the java standards ?
    There is nothing more annoying than seeing     several files all using a separate coding style. Read the     java coding standards (as it will be enormously helpful     in the professional career as well) and ensure     indentation across all the java classes is consistent.  

  • Testing the application
    Testing an application should start when     individual classes are developed. It is better to prepare     an entire suite of test programs (not to be included in     the submission) to test the application. Sometimes, it     might be useful to ask a friend etc to use the system to     uncover any possible faults in the system. For example,     when asked my friend entered the number of seats as 5     followed by a space. I was not doing a trim on the     entered value, which caused an exception to be thrown.     Asking others to use the system without an prior     knowledge can uncover bugs, which we might not have     thought of.  

  • Use intuitive field names
    Except for loop indexes etc, intuitive field     names should almost always be used. originFlight gives a     lot more meaning than origFlt for example.  

  • Ask yourself why this approach ?     What are the alternatives ?
    For every single design decision that you make     in the assignment, ask yourself what are the alternatives     ? What are the advantages of the chosen approach over the     other approaches ? For example, why sub classing, why     RMI, why singleton etc  

  • Make interfaces where appropriate
    Wherever possible, consider using interfaces     instead of classes. For example, consider if having a     DBInterface and a class which implements it is better, as     dealing with interfaces will allow you to change the     implementing class at any time. Similarly do not directly     refer to a Hashtable, instead refer to a Map with Map m =     new Hashtable() ; This allows you to switch from a     Hashtable to a HashMap at any time, without affecting     anything else.  

  • If using Object serialization,     clearly document the serializable fields  

  • Wherever possible, implement     Runnable instead of extending Thread.
    This allows you to keep the one chance that you     have to extend any class sometime later.  

  • Sensible server output log
    Ensure that the output of the server is sensible     and does not include any output of no concern to a server     administrator, for example debug statements etc should     not be part of the server output. However critical errors     etc, should always be logged.  

  • Write consistent code
    It should be obvious from the code, that it is     written by a single individual. Do not for example, use
        import java.util.* ; in a java file and import     java.util.Vector; in another file. It is recommended that     any classes used are explicitly imported, so that by     looking at the top of any java file, it is obvious, what     classes are used in that file. Also group together all     public members first, protected members next, package     members next and finally private members in all the java     files.  

  • If there is any cleanup to be     done in any class, is finalize being used ?  

  • Are all the server classes     threadsafe ?
        Write a multi threaded program to simulate several users     and connect to the database server with it to test if the     server is threadsafe.  

  • Test separately in local mode and    .network mode.  

  • Look for the non obvious
    For example in the FBN assignment, deleted     records are just marked for deletion and are not actually     removed from the underlying database. What will happen if     an attempt is made to insert a record with a key     belonging to a record marked for deletion.  

  • If any method like getRecord()     returns null, is it being appropriately handled ?  

  • Consider using meaningful names     for boolean variables.
    For example, if you have a boolean record status     attribute in a lock class, a value of LOCKED and UNLOCKED     is more descriptive rather than true or false. These     variables can be defined as static final constants in an     interface or the class itself.  

  • Ensure the method signatures are     the most restrictive.
    Changing a method signature from most     restrictive to less restrictive can be done at any time     without breaking any existing code, but the other way     cannot be done easily. Once a public interface is     exposed, making it more restrictive may break some     existing code. Never use public data members unless     absolutely necessary, instead use accessors.
