Java Thread Programming 1.7 - Concurrent Access to Objects a

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When multiple threads are interacting with an object, controls need to be in place to ensure that the threads don’t adversely affect one another. This chapter deals with issues that can introduce subtle errors in your application. An appli
When multiple threads are interacting with an object, controls need to be in place to ensure that the threads don’t adversely affect one another. This chapter deals with issues that can introduce subtle errors in your application. An application that fails to safely control concurrent aclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccess can work properly most of the time—maybe nearly all the time—but will occasionally produce erroneous results. This makes the understanding and disciplined use of the information in this chapter critical to writing truly thread-safe applications that work properly all the time.
volatile Member Variable Modifier
The Java Language Specification indicates that for optimal speed, individual threads are permitted to keep a working copy of shared member variables and only reconcile them with the shared original occasionally. To be more accurate, the word “occasionally” in the last sentence should be replaced with “when a thread enters or leaves a synchronized block of code.” I’ll tell you more about synchronized blocks later in this chapter. When only one thread is interacting with the member variables of an object, this optimization works very well and can allow for faster execution. When two (or more) threads are simultaneously working with an object, care must be taken to ensure that changes made to a shared member variable by one thread are seen by the other.
The volatile keyword is used as a modifier on member variables to force individual threads to reread the variable’s value from shared memory every time the variable is accessed. In addition, individual threads are forced to write changes back to shared memory as soon as they occur. This way, two different threads always see the same value for a member variable at any particular time. Chances are that most of you expected this behavior from the Java VM already. In fact, many experienced Java developers don’t understand when the use of volatile is necessary.
Use volatile on member variables that can be accessed by two or more threads unless all the threads access the variables within synchronized blocks of code. If a member variable remains constant after construction (it is read-only), there is no need for it to be volatile.
The volatile modifier exists to request that the VM always access the shared copy of the variable. This is less efficient than allowing the VM to perform optimizations by keeping a private copy. You should use volatile only when it is necessary; overuse will unnecessarily slow the application’s execution.
synchronized Method Modifier
The addition of the synchronized modifier to a method declaration ensures that only one thread is allowed inside the method at a time. This can be useful in keeping out other threads while the state of an object is temporarily inconsistent.
Two Threads Simultaneously in the Same Method of One Object
If two or more threads are simultaneously inside a method, each thread has its own copy of local variables.
One Thread at a Time
More than one thread can be inside a method, and each thread keeps a copy of its own local variables. However, there are times when application constraints require that only one thread be permitted inside a method at a time.
When a thread encounters a synchronized instance method, it blocks until it can get exclusive access to the object-level mutex lock. Mutex is short for mutual exclusion. A mutex lock can be held by only one thread at a time. Other threads waiting for the lock will block until it is released. When the lock is released, all the threads waiting for it compete for exclusive access. Only one will be successful, and the other threads will go back into a blocked state waiting for the lock to be released again.
Two Threads, Two Objects
Every instance of a class has its own object-level lock.
Although the doStuff() method is synchronized, there is no competition for exclusive access to the object-level lock. Each instance, obj1 and obj2, has its own object-level lock. When threadA enters the doStuff() method of obj1 (line 1), it acquires exclusive access to the object-level lock for obj1. When threadB enters the doStuff() method of obj2 (line 3), it acquires exclusive access to the object-level lock for obj2.
Avoiding Accidental Corruption of an Object
It’s an unavoidable fact that the object must be in an inconsistent state for a brief period of time, even with everything except the assignments taken out:
public synchronized void setNames(String firstName, String lastName) {
fname = firstName;
lname = lastName;
No matter how fast the processor is, it’s possible that the thread scheduler could swap out the thread making the changes after it has changed fname but before it has changed lname. Holding an object-level lock does not prevent a thread from being swapped out. And if it is swapped out, it continues to hold the object-level lock. Because of this, care must be taken to ensure that all reads are blocked when the data is in an inconsistent state. CleanRead (see Listing 7.16) simply adds the synchronized method modifier to getNames() to control concurrent reading and writing.
Deferring Access to an Object While It Is Inconsistent
If two or more threads might be simultaneously interacting with the member variables of an object, and at least one of those threads might change the values, it is generally a good idea to use synchronized to control concurrent access. If only one thread will be accessing an object, using synchronized is unnecessary and slows execution.
synchronized Statement Block
The synchronized block can be used when a whole method does not need to be synchronized or when you want the thread to get an object-level lock on a different object.
Synchronized block适用范围
1、  不是整个方法都需要同步
2、  需要锁定不同的对象
The synchronized statement block looks like this:
synchronized ( obj ) {
// block of code
where obj is a reference to the object whose object-level lock must be acquired before entering the block of code.
This setPoint() method
public synchronized void setPoint(int x, int y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
can be rewritten to instead use a synchronized block:
public void setPoint(int x, int y) {
synchronized ( this ) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
The behavior of both versions of setPoint() is virtually the same. They do compile to different byte-code, but both of them make sure that they have exclusive access to the object-level lock for the instance before making changes to x and y.
Reducing the Time That the Lock Is Held
A synchronized block can be used to reduce the time that the object-level lock is held. If a method does a lot of other things that don’t require access to the member variables, it can shorten the time that it holds the lock to just the critical portion:
public void setValues(int x, double ratio) {
// Some other, long-running statements that don’t work
// with the member variables go here.
// ...
double processedValA = // ... long calculation ...
double processedValB = // ... long calculation ...
// ...
synchronized ( this ) {
        a = processedValA;
        b = processedValB;
In setValues(), exclusive access to the object-level lock is not needed until the time-consuming calculations have been made and the results are ready to be stored. At the bottom of the method, the object-level lock is acquired and held briefly to simply assign new values to the member variables a and b.
Locking an Object Other Than this
the reference mutex indicates the object whose object-level lock must be acquired before entering the statement block. It can be a reference to any object in the VM, not just this. Regardless of how a thread leaves a synchronized block, it automatically releases the lock. This includes a return statement, a throw statement, or just falling through to the next statement after the block. Calling a method from within the synchronized block does not constitute leaving the block (the lock is still held).
Sometimes you will need to call two synchronized methods on an object and be sure that no other thread sneaks in between the calls. Consider this code fragment from a class called Bucket:
public class Bucket extends Object {
// ...
public synchronized boolean isSpaceAvailable() { // ...
public synchronized void add(BucketItem o)
                         throws NoSpaceAvailableException { // ...
public synchronized BucketItem remove() { // ...
// ...
Bucket b = // ...
// ...
if ( b.isSpaceAvailable() ) {
This is fine if only one thread is interacting with this instance of Bucket. But if multiple threads are potentially trying to add BucketItem objects to the same Bucket, a new approach has to be taken to avoid a race condition. Imagine that threadA checks and sees that space is available, but before it actually adds its item, threadB checks and also sees that space is available. Now threadA and threadB are racing to actually add an item. Only one can win the race, and that thread gets to add its item. The other thread will fail to add its item and will throw a NoSpaceAvailableException. To prevent this problem, a synchronized block should be wrapped around the two method calls:
Bucket b = // ...
// ...
if ( b.isSpaceAvailable() ) {
The synchronized block uses the object-level lock on b, the Bucket instance. This is the same lock that must be acquired before entering the isSpaceAvailable() and add() methods. If a thread can get the object-level lock and enter the synchronized block, it is guaranteed to be able to invoke isSpaceAvailable() and add() without blocking. Because it already has the object-level lock for b, there is no delay or competition to enter the synchronized methods. In addition, no other thread can invoke these methods until the first thread leaves the synchronized block.
static synchronized Methods
In addition to the object-level lock that exists for each instance of a class, there is a class-level lock that all instances of a particular class share. Every class loaded by the VM has exactly one class-level lock. If a method is both static and synchronized, a thread must get exclusive access to the class-level lock before entering the method.
The class-level lock can be used to control concurrent access to static member variables. Just as the object-level lock was needed to prevent data corruption in non-static member variables, the class-level lock is needed to prevent corruption of static member variables. Even when no variables are involved, the synchronized modifier can be used on static methods simply to ensure that only one thread is inside the method at a time.
object-level lock 对应于类的每个实例
class-level lock 对应于类所有实例,虚拟机生成的每一个类都有一个class-level lock,对于一个static synchronized method,在调用此方法前,线程会排他访问class-level lock。
Using the Class-Level Lock in a synchronized Statement
The synchronized statement can also use a class-level lock. This can be useful if a static method runs for a long period of time. Additionally, it can be used to ensure that two static method calls by one thread are not interleaved with a call by another thread.
To lock on the class-level lock, use the following code
synchronized ( ClassName.class ) {
// body
使用Class-Level Lock来同步代码块,使用synchronized(类名.class){}
Synchronization and the Collections API
Vector and Hashtable were originally designed to be multithread-safe. Take Vector, for example—the methods used to add and remove elements are synchronized. If only one thread will ever interact with an instance of Vector, the work required to acquire and release the object-level lock is wasted.
The designers of the Collections API wanted to avoid the overhead of synchronization when it wasn’t necessary. As a result, none of the methods that alter the contents of a collection are synchronized. If a Collection or Map will be accessed by multiple threads, it should be wrapped by a class that synchronizes all the methods.
Collections are not inherently multithread-safe. Extra steps must be taken when more than one thread will be interacting with a collection to make it multithread-safe.
Collection API设计为当需要的时候为synchronized,默认不是线程安全的,如果在多线程环境中使用Collection,首先要把其转换为线程安全
There are several static methods in the Collections class that are used to wrap unsynchronized collections with synchronized methods:
public static Collection synchronizedCollection(Collection c)
public static List synchronizedList(List l)
public static Map synchronizedMap(Map m)
public static Set synchronizedSet(Set s)
public static SortedMap synchronizedSortedMap(SortedMap sm)
public static SortedSet synchronizedSortedSet(SortedSet ss)
Basically, these methods return new classes that have synchronized versions of the collections’ methods. To create a List that is multithread-safe and backed by an ArrayList, use the following:
List list = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList());
When synchronizing collections, do not keep any direct reference to the original unsynchronized collection. This will ensure that no other thread accidentally makes uncoordinated changes.
Safely Copying the Contents of a List into an Array
Safely Iterating Through the Elements of a Collection
The elements of a Collection can be stepped through one by one by using an Iterator.  In a multithreaded environment, you will generally want to block other threads from adding or removing elements while you are iterating through the current collection of elements.
Using locks to control concurrent access to data is critical to avoid subtle race conditions within applications. However, trouble can arise when a thread needs to hold more than one lock at a time.
Deadlocks can be extremely difficult to track down. Generally, most of an application will continue to run, but a couple of threads will be stuck in a deadlock. To make matters worse, deadlocks can hide in code for quite a while, waiting for a rare condition to occur. An application can run fine 99 out of 100 times and only deadlock when the thread scheduler happens to run the threads in a slightly different order. Deadlock avoidance is a difficult task.
Most code is not vulnerable to deadlocks, but for the code that is, try following these guidelines to help avoid deadlocks:
l            Hold locks for only the minimal amount of time necessary. Consider using synchronized statement blocks instead of synchronizing the whole method.
l            Try to write code that does not need to hold more than one lock at a time. If this is unavoidable, try to make sure that threads hold the second lock only for a brief period of time.
l            Create and use one big lock instead of several small ones. Use this lock for mutual exclusion instead of the object-level locks of the individual objects.
l            Check out the InterruptibleSyncBlock class in Chapter 17. It uses another object to control concurrent access to a section of code. Additionally, instead of having a thread block on the synchronized statement, the thread is put into a wait-state that is interruptible. I’ll tell you more about the wait-notify mechanism in Chapter 8.
l            锁定尽量短的时间,尽量使用synchronized statement而不是使用synchronized整个方法
l            尽量不同时拥有超过一个锁,如果不可避免,要保证线程持有第二个锁尽量短的时间
l            建立使用一个大锁,而不是多个小锁,用一个新的大锁代笔各个对象上的小锁
l            17章给出InterruptibleSyncBlock类,它使用另一个对象来控制代码块的并发访问。不要让一个线程在同步一个statement时阻塞,而是置于可中断的wait状态,使用下一章将讨论的wait-notify机制。
Speeding Concurrent Access
To speed up execution, do not use synchronized unnecessarily. Be sure that it’s really needed for proper functioning. If synchronization is necessary, see if using a synchronized statement block would work instead of a synchronized method. Although this won’t decrease the cost of acquiring and releasing the lock, it will reduce contention for the lock among the other threads because the lock is held for a shorter period of time.
1、  如非必要,不适用synchronized
2、  能使用synchronized statement block就不使用synchronized method,会降低冲突的概率
In this chapter, I showed you:
l            How to use volatile to force unsynchronized threads to work with the shared copy of a variable instead of a private working copy.
l            How to use the synchronized method modifier on non-static methods to require a thread to get exclusive access to the object-level lock before entering the method.
l            How to use the synchronized statement block to require a thread to get exclusive access to the object-level lock of the specified object before executing the code within the block.
l            How to use the synchronized method modifier on static methods to require a thread to get exclusive access to the class-level lock before entering the method.
l            How to work safely with the Collections API in a multithreaded environment.
l            How to understand the causes of deadlocks, and how to try to avoid them.
使用synchronized修饰符保证一个对象实例在object-level lock上同步
使用synchronized修饰符保证对象static method 在class-level lock上同步
