java 基础数据类型

发表于:2007-07-01来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
1.简单数据类型 逻辑类型 boolean 文本类型 char,String(特殊类型) 整数类型 byte,short,int,long 浮点类型 double,float boolean 两个值:true and false char 16位无符号(不分正负的)Unicode字符 必须包含在单引号内(@#@#) eg:@#\t@# 表示一个制表符 @#\u??

逻辑类型  boolean
文本类型  char,String(特殊类型)
整数类型  byte,short,int,long
浮点类型  double,float

boolean  两个值:true and false
char  16位无符号(不分正负的)Unicode字符 必须包含在单引号内(@#@#)
       eg:@#\t@# 表示一个制表符
            @#\u????@# 表示一个特殊的Unicode字符 ????应严格按照4个16进制数进行替换.
String  不是一个简单的数据类型 而是一个类(class) 它被用来表示字符序列.字符本身符合Unicode标准
         与c and c++ 不同,String不能用@#\o@#作为结束.(本来要写@#\零@#的,可是它就是不显示,没招儿了,就用o来代替吧~~)
byte short int long
        长度                                    数据类型                                  数值范围
        8 bits                                     byte                                   -2(7)~2(7)-1
        16 bits                                   short                                   -2(15)~2(15)-1
        32 bits                                   int                                      -2(31)~2(31)-1
        64 bits                                   long                                    -2(63)~2(63)-1
float double  
          数值包含小数点或指数,或者在数字后面带有字母F or f(float), D or d(double)
        长度                                    数据类型                                  数值范围
        32 bits                                   float                              1.401e-45~3.402e+38
        64 bits                                   long                              4.94e-324~1.79e+308d

public class Assign{
  public static void main(String[] args){
     int x,y;                                          //declare int variables
     float z=3.414f;                               //declare and assign float variable
     double w=3.1415;                          //declare and assign double variable
     boolean truth=true;                        //declare and assign boolean variable
     char c;                                           //declare character variable
     String str;                                       //declare String variable
     String str1="bye";                            //declare and assign String variable
  c=@#A@#;                                                //assign value to char variable
  str="Hi out there!";                             //assign value to String variable
  y=1000;                                            //assign values to int variable

y=3.1415926;                               //is not an int.Requires casting and decimal will be truncated
w=175,000;                                 //the comma symbol(,)cannot appear
truth=1;                                      //a common mistake made by ex- c/c++ programmers
z=3.14156;                                  //can@#t fit double into a Float 
