
发表于:2007-07-01来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
/* OracleTestServlet -This is a sample servlet which connects to an Oracle instance.It includes some code to log various points of invocation and execution into the WebSphere Application Server@#s log.It also sets a log file (in the current
   OracleTestServlet -  This is a sample servlet which
connects to an Oracle instance.  It includes some code to
log various points of invocation and execution into
the WebSphere Application Server@#s log.  It also sets a log
file (in the current directory where the servlet is
invoked) for the JDBC driver.  This JDBC driver log can be
examined along with the servlet@#s log output in order to
determine configuration problems.  Create the
corresponding class file from this source and move it to the
appropriate servlets directory.

Marc Connolly
Oracle Corporation
Email: mdconnol@us.oracle.com


import   java.io.File;
import   java.io.IOException;
import   java.lang.IllegalStateException;
import   java.io.PrintWriter;
import   java.io.PrintStream;
import   java.io.FileWriter;
import   java.io.FileOutputStream;

import   java.sql.DriverManager;
import   java.sql.Connection;
import   java.sql.SQLException;
import   java.sql.Statement;
import   java.sql.ResultSet;

import   java.util.Date;

import   javax.servlet.Servlet;
import   javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
import   javax.servlet.ServletException;
import   javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import   javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import   javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import   javax.servlet.http.HttpUtils;

public class OracleServlet extends HttpServlet

   private String                thisServletName =
   private String                thisServletNameDesc = "
Oracle JDBC Test Servlet";

   private boolean               servletInitialized = false;

   private long                  servletStartTimeStamp;

   public void init(ServletConfig config) throws
      Record the servlet@#s initialization time
      servletStartTimeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis();

      log(thisServletName + ":Init Completed");

      Mark servlet init complete
      servletInitialized = true;

   protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException,

      log("Start Menu Visual List()");
      log(thisServletName + "doGet (Start)");

      long startTimeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis();

      PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();

      out.println("<HTML><TITLE>OracleTestServlet: Using
Oracle JDBC Driver</TITLE><BODY>");
      out.println("<BR><BR<BR<HR><CENTER>Begin Employee

      Enable JDBC Driver logging
      String jdbcDriverlogFileName =

      log(thisServletName + "JDBC Log: " +

      Make the log file
      File file = new File(jdbcDriverlogFileName);
      if (file.exists())
         if (!file.canWrite())
            log(thisServletName + "JDBC Driver Log file (" +
file.getAbsolutePath() + ") is not writable");
            File parent = new File(file.getParent());
            if (!parent.canWrite())
               log(thisServletName + "JDBC Driver Log file
directory (" + parent.getAbsolutePath() + ") is not
         catch (NullPointerException e)
              // no parent.
            DriverManager.setLogStream(new PrintStream(new
FileOutputStream(file.getAbsolutePath(), true)));
      catch (IOException ioE)
         log(thisServletName + "JDBC Driver Log - exception
thrown during setLogStream:" + ioE);

         log(thisServletName + "Registering


         log(thisServletName + "Registering Driver(after)");

         Note regarding connection url: the ip address is
the address of the host upon which the Oracle instance is
running followed by
         the port which the Oracle instance@#s listener (the
TNS address space) is using as specified in the
         of the Oracle@#s MPM started task.

         Connection conn =  DriverManager.getConnection

         log(thisServletName + "Get Connection(After)");

         Statement stmt = conn.createStatement ();
         log(thisServletName + "Create Statement(After)");

         ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery ("select EMPNO,
ENAME from scott.EMP");
         log(thisServletName + "Execute Query(After)");

         while (rset.next ())
            out.println("<BR>EMPNO:" + rset.getString (1) +
",NAME:" + rset.getString (2));
        log(thisServletName + "Close Connection(Before)");
         log(thisServletName + "Close Connection(Before)");

      catch (Exception e)
         log(thisServletName + "Exception:" + e);

      out.println("</PRE><BR><HR><CENTER>End Employee
List</CENTER></   FORM></BODY></HTML>");
      log(thisServletName + "doGet (End)");

   public void destroy()
      log(thisServletName + ":Terminated");

   public boolean isInitialized()
      return servletInitialized;

   public String getServletInfo()
      return thisServletNameDesc;

