
发表于:2007-07-01来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
package franzy; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import oracle .xml.parser.v2.XMLElement; import oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLDocument; //import com.biztunnel.util.tools.ToolKit; public class Agency { private String agencyID; private String agencyOth
package franzy;

import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLElement;
import oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLDocument;
//import com.biztunnel.util.tools.ToolKit;

public class Agency
    private String agencyID;
    private String agencyOther;
    private String a_dtype;
    private Element element;

    public static final String AGENCYCODE_OTHER = "Other";
    public static final String AGENCYCODE_COMMERCEONE = "CommerceOne";
    public static final String AGENCYCODE_ISO = "ISO";
    public static final String AGENCYCODE_EAN = "EAN";
    public static final String AGENCYCODE_ASSIGNEDBYSUPPLIER = "AssignedBySupplier";
    public static final String AGENCYCODE_ASSIGNEDBYBUYER = "AssignedByBuyer";
    public static final String AGENCYCODE_ANSI = "ANSI";
    public static final String AGENCYCODE_GBABA = "GBABA";
    private static final String AGENCY_ATTRIBUTE_A_DTYPE="%Agency-Dtypes;";

     * Creates a Agency Element aclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccording to the outer element
    private void init()
        this.element=new XMLElement("Agency");
        agencyID = null;
        agencyOther = null;
        a_dtype = this.AGENCY_ATTRIBUTE_A_DTYPE;

    public Agency(Element newElement)

        //Element newElement = (Element)newElement1.getLastChild();
            System.out.println("not it!!!");

        //get attribute
        this.setAgencyID(newElement.getAttribute("AgencyID "));
        this.setAgencyOther(newElement.getAttribute("AgencyOther "));
        this.agencyID = newElement.getAttribute("a-dtype");

     * Create an empty Agency element according to the buginfo.dtd
    public Agency()
        //initialize the empty node

     * convert this element to W3c Element format
    public Element getElement()
      return this.element;

    public void setAgencyID(String newAgencyID)
        agencyID = newAgencyID;

    public String getAgencyID()
        return agencyID;

    public void setAgencyOther(String newAgencyOther)
        agencyOther = newAgencyOther;

    public String getAgencyOther()
        return agencyOther;

    public String getA_dtype()
        return a_dtype;

    public void setFixedA_dtype(boolean isSet)
            a_dtype = this.AGENCY_ATTRIBUTE_A_DTYPE;
            a_dtype = null;

    public static void main(String[] args)
            //test 1
            Agency element= new Agency();
            XMLDocument doc = new XMLDocument();

            //test 2
            Agency element1= new Agency(element.getElement());
        }catch(Exception e)


