//文件:DbConnectionDefaultPool.java的第一部分 //请注意看里面注明的一处需要修改连接参数的地方 package com.qingtuo.db.pool; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; import java.text.*; import java.util.Date; /** * Default Jiv
package com.qingtuo.db.pool;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.util.Date;
* Default Jive connection provider. It uses the excellent connection pool
* available from http://www.javaexchange.com. This connection provider is a
* a good choice unless you can use a container-managed one.
public class DbConnectionDefaultPool extends DbConnectionProvider {
private static final String NAME = "Default Connection Pool";
private static final String DESCRIPTION = "The default connection provider "
+ "that uses the connection pool from javaexchange.com. It works with "
+ "
almost any database setup, is customizable, and offers good performance. "
+ "Use this connection provider unless you have your own or can use a "
+ "container managed connection pool.";
private static final String AUTHOR = "CoolServlets.com";
private static final int MAJOR_VERSION = 1;
private static final int
private static final boolean POOLED = true;
private ConnectionPool connectionPool = null;
private Properties props;
private Properties propDescriptions;
private Object initLock = new Object();
public DbConnectionDefaultPool() {
//this.manager = manager;
props = new Properties();
propDescriptions = new Properties();
//Initialize all property values
//Load any existing property values
* Returns a database connection.
public Connection getConnection() {
if (connectionPool == null) {
//block until the init has been done
synchronized(initLock) {
//if still null, something has gone wrong
if (connectionPool == null) {
System.err.println("Warning: DbConnectionDefaultPool.getConnection() was " +
"called when the internal pool has not been initialized.");
return null;
return new ConnectionWrapper(connectionPool.getConnection(), connectionPool);
* Starts the pool.
protected void start() {
cquire lock so that no connections can be returned.
synchronized (initLock) {
//Get properties
String driver = props.getProperty("driver");
String server = props.getProperty("server");
String username = props.getProperty("username");
String password = props.getProperty("password");
int minConnections = 0, maxConnections = 0;
double connectionTimeout = 0.0;
try {
minConnections = Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty("minConnections"));
maxConnections = Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty("maxConnections"));
connectionTimeout = Double.parseDouble(props.getProperty("connectionTimeout"));
catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Error: could not parse default pool properties. " +
"Make sure the values exist and are correct.");
String logPath = props.getProperty("logPath");
try {
connectionPool = new ConnectionPool(driver, server, username, password,
minConnections, maxConnections, logPath, connectionTimeout);
catch (IOException ioe) {
System.err.println("Error starting DbConnectionDefaultPool: " + ioe);
* Restarts the pool to take into account any property changes.
protected void restart() {
//Kill off pool.
//Reload properties.
//Start a new pool.
* Destroys the connection pool.
protected void destroy() {
if (connectionPool != null) {
try {
catch (Exception e) {
//Release reference to connectionPool
connectionPool = null;
* Returns the value of a property of the connection provider.
* @param name the name of the property.
* @returns the value of the property.
public String getProperty(String name) {
return (String)props.get(name);
* Returns the description of a property of the connection provider.
* @param name the name of the property.
* @return the description of the property.
public String getPropertyDescription(String name) {
return (String)propDescriptions.get(name);
* Returns an enumeration of the property names for the connection provider.
public Enumeration propertyNames() {
return props.propertyNames();
* Sets a property of the connection provider. Each provider has a set number
* of properties that are determined by the author. Trying to set a non-
* existant property will result in an IllegalArgumentException.
* @param name the name of the property to set.
* @param value the new value for the property.
public void setProperty(String name, String value) {
props.put(name, value);
* Give default values to all the properties and descriptions.
private void initializeProperties() {
propDescriptions.put("driver","JDBC driver. e.g. @#
propDescriptions.put("server","JDBC connect string. e.g. @#jdbc:oracle:thin:@");
propDescriptions.put("username","Database username. e.g. @#Scott@#");
propDescriptions.put("password","Database password. e.g. @#Tiger@#");
propDescriptions.put("minConnections","Minimum # of connections to start with in pool. Three is the recommended minimum");
propDescriptions.put("maxConnections","Maximum # of connections in dynamic pool. Fifteen should give good performance for an average load.");
propDescriptions.put("logPath","Absolute path name for log file. e.g. @#c:\\logs\\jiveDbLog.log@#");
propDescriptions.put("connectionTimeout","Time in days between connection resets. e.g. @#.5@#");
* Load whatever properties that a
lready exist.
private void loadProperties() {
//in 2000
String driver="org.gjt.mm.
String server="jdbc:mysql://";
String username="pcc";
String password="pcc123";
String minConnections="3";
String maxConnections="10";
String logPath="c:\\temp\\qingtuoDbLog.log";
String connectionTimeout="0.5";
String driver="org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver";
String server="jdbc:mysql://";
//String server="jdbc:mysql://";
String username="qingtuo";
String password="qingtuo";
String minConnections="3";
String maxConnections="20";
String logPath="c:\\temp\\qingtuoDbLog.log";
// String logPath="/tmp/qingtuoDbLog.log";
String connectionTimeout="0.5";
if (driver != null) { props.setProperty("driver", driver); }
if (server != null) { props.setProperty("server", server); }
if (username != null) { props.setProperty("username", username); }
if (password != null) { props.setProperty("password", password); }
//if (database != null) { props.setProperty("database", database); }
if (minConnections != null) { props.setProperty("minConnections", minConnections); }
if (maxConnections != null) { props.setProperty("maxConnections", maxConnections); }
if (logPath != null) { props.setProperty("logPath", logPath); }
if (connectionTimeout != null) { props.setProperty("connectionTimeout", connectionTimeout); }
private void saveProperties() {
PropertyManager.setProperty("DbConnectionDefaultPool.driver", props.getProperty("driver"));
PropertyManager.setProperty("DbConnectionDefaultPool.server", props.getProperty("server"));
PropertyManager.setProperty("DbConnectionDefaultPool.username", props.getProperty("username"));
PropertyManager.setProperty("DbConnectionDefaultPool.password", props.getProperty("password"));
PropertyManager.setProperty("DbConnectionDefaultPool.minConnections", props.getProperty("minConnections"));
PropertyManager.setProperty("DbConnectionDefaultPool.maxConnections", props.getProperty("maxConnections"));
PropertyManager.setProperty("DbConnectionDefaultPool.logPath", props.getProperty("logPath"));
PropertyManager.setProperty("DbConnectionDefaultPool.connectionTimeout", props.getProperty("connectionTimeout"));
private class ConnectionPool implements Runnable {
private Thread runner;
private Connection[] connPool;
private int[] connStatus;
private long[] connLockTime, connCreateDate;
private String[] connID;
private String dbDriver, dbServer, dbLogin, dbPassword, logFileString;
private int currConnections, connLast, minConns, maxConns, maxConnMSec;
//available: set to false on destroy, checked by getConnection()
private boolean available=true;
private PrintWriter log;
SQLWarning currSQLWarning;
private String pid;
* Creates a new Connection Broker<br>
* dbDriver: JDBC driver. e.g. @#oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver@#<br>
* dbServer: JDBC connect string. e.g. @#jdbc:oracle:thin:@<br>
* dbLogin: Database login name. e.g. @#Scott@#<br>
* dbPassword: Database password. e.g. @#Tiger@#<br>
* minConns: Minimum number of connections to start with.<br>
* maxConns: Maximum number of connections in dynamic pool.<br>
* logFileString: Absolute path name for log file. e.g. @#c:\temp\mylog.log@# <br>
* maxConnTime: Time in days between connection resets. (Reset does a basic cleanup)<br>
public ConnectionPool (String dbDriver, String dbServer, String dbLogin,
String dbPassword, int minConns, int maxConns,
String logFileString, double maxConnTime) throws IOException
connPool = new Connection[maxConns];
connStatus = new int[maxConns];
connLockTime = new long[maxConns];
connCreateDate = new long[maxConns];
connID = new String[maxConns];
currConnections = minConns;
this.maxConns = maxConns;
this.dbDriver = dbDriver;
this.dbServer = dbServer;
this.dbLogin = dbLogin;
this.dbPassword = dbPassword;
this.logFileString = logFileString;
maxConnMSec = (int)(maxConnTime * 86400000.0); //86400 sec/day
if(maxConnMSec < 30000) { // Recycle no less than 30 seconds.
maxConnMSec = 30000;
try {
log = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(logFileString),true);
// Can@#t open the requested file. Open the default file.
catch (IOException e1) {
System.err.println("Warning: DbConnectionDefaultPool could not open \""
+ logFileString + "\" to write log to. Make sure that your Java " +
"process has permission to write to the file and that the directory exists."
try {
log = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream("DCB_" +
System.currentTimeMillis() + ".log"), true
catch (IOException e2) {
throw new IOException("Can@#t open any log file");
// Write the pid file (used to clean up dead/broken connection)
SimpleDateFormat formatter
= new SimpleDateFormat ("yyyy.MM.dd G @#at@# hh:mm:ss a zzz");
java.util.Date nowc = new java.util.Date();
pid = formatter.format(nowc);
BufferedWriter pidout = new BufferedWriter(new
FileWriter(logFileString + "pid"));
log.println("Starting ConnectionPool:");
log.println("dbDriver = " + dbDriver);
log.println("dbServer = " + dbServer);
log.println("dbLogin = " + dbLogin);
log.println("log file = " + logFileString);
log.println("minconnections = " + minConns);
log.println("maxconnections = " + maxConns);
log.println("Total refresh interval = " + maxConnTime + " days");
// Initialize the pool of connections with the mininum connections:
// Problems creating connections may be caused during reboot when the
// servlet is started before the database is ready. Handle this
// by waiting and trying again. The loop allows 5 minutes for
// db reboot.
boolean connectionsSucceeded=false;
int dbLoop=20;
try {
for(int i=1; i < dbLoop; i++) {
try {
for(int j=0; j < currConnections; j++) {
log.println("Create Conn "+j);
catch (SQLException e){
log.println("--->Attempt (" + String.valueOf(i) +
" of " + String.valueOf(dbLoop) +
") failed to create new connections set at startup: ");
log.println(" " + e);
log.println(" Will try again in 15 seconds...");
try { Thread.sleep(15000); }
ruptedException e1) {}
if(!connectionsSucceeded) { // All attempts at connecting to db exhausted
log.println("\r\nAll attempts at connecting to Database exhausted");
throw new IOException();
catch (Exception e) {
throw new IOException();
// Fire up the background housekeeping thread
runner = new Thread(this);
} //End ConnectionPool()