
发表于:2007-07-01来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
在Google上搜索实现这种效果的方法,只搜到一个网页,是国外的,一看,还得要给钱注册!俗话说,自力更生,艰苦奋斗,就自己想了法子,拿来分享。衷心请各位大虾指点指点不足 我写了个程序,里面用到一个JTable,本着MVC的精神,而且考虑到单元格可能不是简




//NoteLabelRenderer.javapackage com.component;

import javax.swing.*;import javax.swing.table.*;

import java.awt.*;

import com.data.Note;

/** * To render the cells showing the note * @author Allen Chue * */public class NoteLabelRenderer extends JPanel implements TableCellRenderer {

 public static ImageIcon ATTACH_ICON=new ImageIcon("res/attach.gif"); public static ImageIcon BLANK_ICON=new ImageIcon("res/blank.gif");  private JLabel icon=new JLabel(); private JLabel content=new JLabel(); private JLabel attach=new JLabel();  private String contentText,title;  public NoteLabelRenderer() {  super();  setLayout(new BorderLayout());    icon.setOpaque(true);  content.setOpaque(true);  attach.setOpaque(true);    icon.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER);  icon.setVerticalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER);  content.setVerticalAlignment(SwingConstants.NORTH);  attach.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER);  attach.setVerticalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER);    add(icon,BorderLayout.WEST);  add(content,BorderLayout.CENTER);  add(attach,BorderLayout.EAST);  setSize(getPreferredSize()); }  /**     *  Returns the component used for drawing the cell.  This method is     *  used to configure the renderer appropriately before drawing.     *     * @param table  the <code>JTable</code> that is asking the      *    renderer to draw; can be <code>null</code>     * @param value  the value of the cell to be rendered.  It is     *    up to the specific renderer to interpret     *    and draw the value.  For example, if     *    <code>value</code>     *    is the string "true", it could be rendered as a     *    string or it could be rendered as a check     *    box that is checked.  <code>null</code> is a     *    valid value     * @param isSelected true if the cell is to be rendered with the     *    selection highlighted; otherwise false     * @param hasFocus if true, render cell appropriately.  For     *    example, put a special border on the cell, if     *    the cell can be edited, render in the color used     *    to indicate editing     * @param row         the row index of the cell being drawn.  When     *    drawing the header, the value of     *    <code>row</code> is -1     * @param column         the column index of the cell being drawn     */ public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value,   boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {  changeBackground(isSelected);  setNoteText((Note)value,isSelected);  return this; }  private void changeBackground(boolean isSelected) {  Color selectedColor=new Color(160,231,160);  if (isSelected) {   icon.setBackground(selectedColor);   content.setBackground(selectedColor);   attach.setBackground(selectedColor);  }  else {   icon.setBackground(null);   content.setBackground(null);   attach.setBackground(null);  } }  /**  * Show the note aclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccording to a note  * @param n The <code>Note</code>  * @param flag A flag variable. True for emphasizing the the   * contents, while false for showing it normally  */ private void setNoteText(Note n, boolean flag) {  String color=flag?"#ffffff":"#000000";  /*   ************************   *****Set Icon Area******   ************************   */  icon.setIcon(n.getIcon());  /*   ************************   ****Set Content Area****   ************************   */  title=n.getTitle();  contentText=n.getContent();  if (contentText.length()>120) {   contentText=contentText.substring(0,115)+"...";  }  content.setText("<html><font" +     " color=#116677>"+title+"</font><br>" +     "<font color="+color+">"+contentText+"</font></html>");  /*   ***********************   ***Set Attach Area*****   ***********************   */  if (n.getAttach() != null) {   attach.setIcon(ATTACH_ICON);  }  else {   attach.setIcon(BLANK_ICON);  } } public String getContent() {  return this.contentText; } public String getTitle() {  return this.title; }}



我还想要实现单元格的悬停效果,也就是说,当鼠标移动至某个单元格上方时,该单元格可以变化颜色或者加个边框来突出显示,就想JButton可以设置RollOverIcon一样。我想当然地在这个渲染器里添加了鼠标监听,然而测试确发现不行...   经过一番查阅、思考,我终于将解决的方法从单元格渲染器上转至JTable本身来,因为我发现JTable里竟然有个rowAtPoint(Point point)方法(高手可不要笑我啊)!于是,我就在表格上监听鼠标动作事件,在mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)方法中用int row=this.rowAt(e.getPoint())得到鼠标移动时当前鼠标在哪一行。这样的话,至少是迈了一大步,接下来的问题就是如何对鼠标下面的单元格进行属性的修改。

经过查看JTable的源码,发现里面有个public Component prepareRenderer方法调用了单元格渲染器里的getTableCellRenderer方法,用于在绘制表格时准备好单元格内放置的组件。既然它是public的,我就重载了这个方法,并使用了个自己感觉有点笨的方法,表格中加了个Vector,存储每个单元格是否在鼠标下面的信息(用Boolean),也就是说,每一时刻这个Vector中只有一个为true(同一时刻,只能有一个单元格在鼠标下面),其余为false,同时保持Vector的size与单元格行数相同。重载的prepareRenderer方法体如下:

/**  * This method overides the super one, in order to   * add rollover effects to the <code>JTable</code>  * A <code>Vector</code> stores information about   * whether the cell is beneath the mouse. If the value  * corresponding to the cell is true, this method will  * return a <code>Component</code> with the border modified;  * while false, the <code>Renderer</code> will be returned   * unchanged after calling the super method   */ public Component prepareRenderer(TableCellRenderer renderer, int row,   int column) {  Component comp = super.prepareRenderer(renderer, row, column);  if (((Boolean)flagMouseOver.get(row)).booleanValue()) {   ((JComponent)comp).setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.GRAY,1));   return comp;  }  else {   ((JComponent)comp).setBorder(null);   return comp;  } }


public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {//Add rollover effects  int row=this.rowAtPoint(e.getPoint());  if (mouseAtRow == -1) {   //Init variable mouseAtRow   mouseAtRow=row;   flagMouseOver.set(mouseAtRow,new Boolean(true));   //System.out.println("Mouse first moves to row "+(row+1));      repaint();   revalidate();  }  else if (row != mouseAtRow) {//The mouse has moved to a new row   //Clear the border   flagMouseOver.set(mouseAtRow,new Boolean(false));      //Set new row@#s border   flagMouseOver.set(row,new Boolean(true));      //System.out.println("Mouse moves from row "+(mouseAtRow+1)+" to row "+(row+1));   repaint();   revalidate();   mouseAtRow=row;     }   }



                             Allen Chue
