Java高级编程——泛型类型 第二部分

发表于:2007-06-22来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
创建泛型和泛型方法 创建一个简单的泛型是非常容易的。首先,在一对尖括号( >)中声明类型变量,以逗号间隔变量名列表。在类的实例变量和方法中,可以在任何类型的地方使用那些类型变量。 切记,类型变量仅在编译时存在,所以不能使用instanceof和new这类运行

  创建一个简单的泛型是非常容易的。首先,在一对尖括号(< >)中声明类型变量,以逗号间隔变量名列表。在类的实例变量和方法中,可以在任何类型的地方使用那些类型变量。

  import java.util.*;/** * A tree is a data structure that holds values of type V. * Each tree has a single value of type V and can have any number of * branches, each of which is itself a Tree. */public class Tree<V> {  // The value of the tree is of type V.  V value;  // A Tree<V> can have branches, each of which is also a Tree<V>  List<Tree<V>> branches = new ArrayList<Tree<V>>();  // Here's the constructor. Note the use of the type variable V.  public Tree(V value) { this.value = value; }
  // These are instance methods for manipulating the node value and branches.
  // Note the use of the type variable V in the arguments or return types.
  V getValue() { return value; }
  void setValue(V value) { this.value = value; }
  int getNumBranches() { return branches.size(); }
  Tree<V> getBranch(int n) { return branches.get(n); }
  void addBranch(Tree<V> branch) { branches.add(branch); }}
  正如你所看到的,命名一个类型变量习惯于一个大写字母。使用一个字母可以同现实中那些具有描述性的,长的实际变量名有所区别。使用大写字母要同变量命名规则一致,并且要区别于局部变量,方法参数,成员变量,而这些变量常常使用一个小写字母。集合类中,比如java.util中常常使用类型变量E代表“Element type”。T和S常常用来表示范型变量名(好像使用i和j作为循环变量一样)。
  import;import java.util.*;public class Tree<V extends Serializable & Comparable<V>>
  implements Serializable, Comparable<Tree<V>>{
  V value;
  List<Tree<V>> branches = new ArrayList<Tree<V>>();
  public Tree(V value) { this.value = value; }
  // Instance methods  V getValue() { return value; }
  void setValue(V value) { this.value = value; }
  int getNumBranches() { return branches.size(); }
  Tree<V> getBranch(int n) { return branches.get(n); }
  void addBranch(Tree<V> branch) { branches.add(branch); }
  // This method is a nonrecursive implementation of Comparable<Tree<V>>
  // It only compares the value of this node and ignores branches.
  public int compareTo(Tree<V> that) {
  if (this.value == null && that.value == null) return 0;
  if (this.value == null) return -1;
  if (that.value == null) return 1;
  return this.value.compareTo(that.value);
  // javac -Xlint warns us if we omit this field in a Serializable class
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 833546143621133467L;}
  public class Tree<V> {
  // These fields hold the value and the branches
  V value;
  List<Tree<? extends V>> branches = new ArrayList<Tree<? extends V>>();
  // Here's a constructor  public Tree(V value) { this.value = value; }
  // These are instance methods for manipulating value and branches
  V getValue() { return value; }
  void setValue(V value) { this.value = value; }
  int getNumBranches() { return branches.size(); }
  Tree<? extends V> getBranch(int n) { return branches.get(n); }
  void addBranch(Tree<? extends V> branch) { branches.add(branch); }}
  Tree<Number> t = new Tree<Number>(0);
  // Note autoboxingt.addBranch(new Tree<Integer>(1));
  // int 1 autoboxed to Integer
  Tree<? extends Number> b = t.getBranch(0);Tree<?> b2 = t.getBranch(0);Tree<Number> b3 = t.getBranch(0); // compilation error
  Tree<? extends Number> b = t.getBranch(0);Number value = b.getValue();
  b.setValue(3.0); // Illegal, value type is unknownb.addBranch(new Tree<Double>(Math.PI));
  /** Recursively compute the sum of the values of all nodes on the tree */public static double sum(Tree<? extends Number> t) {
  double total = t.value.doubleValue();
  for(Tree<? extends Number> b : t.branches) total += sum(b);
  return total;}
  public static <N extends Number> double sum(Tree<N> t) {
  N value = t.value;  double total = value.doubleValue();
  for(Tree<? extends N> b : t.branches) total += sum(b);
  return total;}
  // This method returns the largest of two trees, where tree size//
  is computed by the sum() method. The type variable ensures that //
  both trees have the same value type and that both can be passed to sum().public static <N extends Number>
  Tree<N> max(Tree<N> t, Tree&
