Why I get Solaris Certification?

发表于:2007-06-22来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
People will be curious about my "certificate paranoia" after read the "Aboutus" http://www.freelamp.com/new/publish/aboutus To tell the truth, it is not my choice, when my company decide to purchase Sun's machine, hence got Solaris 8 and t

  People will be curious about my "certificate paranoia" after read the "Aboutus"

  To tell the truth, it is not my choice, when my company decide to purchase Sun's machine, hence got Solaris 8 and the vendor send these training course and exam voucher. The will-be Oracle certification the same reason.
  The first time I decided to get MCSE was Nov. 1998, I then got certificated in May, 1999. And I know much about TCP/IP in Windows environment, including DHCP/WINS/DNS/NETBEUI. This time I got Solaris 8 , I know NFS/NIS/Cache FS/Auto FS/Pseudo FS/Jumpstart.
  I am glad that my knowledge depositing day by day. I am sure I can benefit much from the ongoing Oracle training course. All the knowledge make me know them all more clear and know Linux's disadvantage more. That's not mean I will give up Linux, on the contrary, I always believe Linux can step into enterprise gradually, and at last dominant the enterprise server market(from low end to high end).
  We Chinese got a saying: "Know enemy and know self both can always win wars" , so I am knowing enemy now. :-)
  OK, to be honest, to pass the exam, you must prepare it very carefully. A shortcut to suclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccess is "BrainDump", to thank those people contribute to the braindump, I think it's my turn now to make some effort have more people certified.
  Before post the detail braindump, I will paste my mail to first.
  -------------- mail begin ------------------------
  I passed Sol 8 Part II on Nov. 22. It is a very clear day in Shanghai, China.
  I got 48 correct in 61 Q's.
  Days before, there is a braindump so-called for SOl. 8 Pt 2, full of NIS+ Q's, and it scares me at first, I use another
  several hours to read related documents on NIS+.
  And that proved very wrong and stupid. Later I know that some of the Q's are for Sol. 7 , not 8.
  In my opinion, the 8 Pt 2 Q's is very easy. You just master the contents on the course book if you join the Sun's class.
  I will post a detail braindump soon.
  BTW: I want to tell all guy, don't lose your heart if you didn't see the "Congratulations!" and the two bars when you finished your test.
  I was at a very low mode when I didn't see it at first, and go to the printer to prepare tearing the papers, And I saw the test status:
  pass, Alas! I was very high then.
  So guys, be lucky! Read carefully at your book!
  ------------------------------ mail end ---------------------------------
  OK, the braindump is not a very real one, because I have no any mind after I finished the exam. please forgive me, it should only call exam notes.
  And I also want it apeeared legal.
  1. function of Network layer in the seven ISO/OSI model.
  2. NIC is at Data Link layer
  3. Know exactly ARP/RARP
  4. rpcinfo
  5. snoop
  6. ifconfig -a show the detail, and fill blank with the MAC address.
  7. pkill -HUP inetd will do what? (read inetd.conf and restart the services in it)
  8. logger -p
  9. what's m4's usage in syslogd (!!! very important , have a detail look)
  10. what can be action field ( /filename , @host, userlist, *)
  11. which of the following is block device (those without "r" : /dev/.../dsk/...)
  12. which one used to check integrity of file system (fsck)
  13. Volume manage software use which kind of device name (/dev/md? /dev/.v? ...)
  14. what is subdisk? metadevice
  15. in disksuite the largest area called what? (canvas?)
  16. no any dumpadm and coreadm Q's.
  17. procfs 's three feature.
  18. swap -l
  19. if you add swap file to add swapfs, you should put line into /etc/vfstab to keep it work after reboot.
  20.A remote root want to have root privilege in local NFS server: share -F nfs -o root=client ...
  21. NFS mount option: nointr
  22. function of auto_fs
  23. which one of the following is direct map
  24. if modify the map, you just need to run automount again.
  25. cfsadmin -c
  26. mount -F cachefs -o ...
  27. before check cache filesys you need umount first.
  28. pfsh used for what?
  29. rolladd had the similiar syntax as useradd
  30. usermod -R rolename...
  31. the name service concept centralizes the shared information in your network.
  32. which two name service support centralize management, support
  plain text password transfer with light network traffic : NIS/NIS+/DNS/FHS
  33. Why DNS is suitable for Internet.
  34. NIS slave setup steps.
  35. ypxfr
  36. At last, JumpStart is very very important , read all the chapter very carefully please, know rule file/class file/sysidcfg file format.
  37. know boot server/install server/configuration server
  Ok, that's all for my braindump. if you would like to show thanks to me, please click and register
  the left side Oracle Small business and the top TechRepublic.com to support this web site.
  My ICQ: 20582147, OICQ: 8122093
