Section 1 - The Servlet Model(7题)
Section 2 - The Structure and Deployment of Modern Servlet Web Applications(4题)
Section 3 - The Servlet Container Model(5题)
Section 4 - Designing and Developing Servlets to Handle Server-side Exceptions(3题)
Section 5 - Designing and Developing Servlets Using Session Management(4题)
Section 6 - Designing and Developing Secure Web Applications(4题)
Section 7 - Designing and Developing Thread-safe Servlets(3题)
Section 8 - The Java Server Pages (JSP) Technology Model(8题)
Section 9 - Designing and Developing Reusable Web Components(1题)
Section 10 - Designing and Developing JSP pages Using JavaBean Components(5题)
Section 11 - Designing and Developing JSP pages Using Custom Tags(3题)
Section 12 - Designing and Developing a Custom Tag Library(8题)
Section 13 - Design Patterns(4题)