java: isn‘t it ironic?

发表于:2007-06-22来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
From the Java book I'm reading*: Variable scope: No, this doesn't mean that we have variables that needto use mouthwash, although errors with varaible scope have been knownto make programmers get their mouths washed out with soa p. Ugh. Pr


From the Java book I'm reading*:

"Variable scope: No, this doesn't mean that we have variables that need to use mouthwash, although errors with varaible scope have been known to make programmers get their mouths washed out with soap."

Ugh. Programming humor. Folks, is this REALLY necessary? Five years ago, I was doing a 3-month internship program at an Engineering company. It's hard enough living and working by yourself for three months, but it's even worse when the only people you socialize with that are your age have these kinds of conversations:

(Group of 6 Interns are sitting at the lunch table. They are all wearing Cal Poly sweatshirts, except for Ernie.)
Intern #1: "... ohmygod, have you heard this C++ joke? 'Only friends can touch your private members!!'"
(Table of interns start to laugh, Ernie finds a spot on the cafeteria wall and proceeds to stare at it for the duration of the lunch period.)
Intern #1: "What Ernie, you don't get it? Hmmm...?"
Ernie: "Oh yeah. I get it."
Intern #1: "Heh. Isn't it IRONIC!?"
Interns #2 to #6: (in unison) "DON'T YOU THINK!?"
(Interns then proceed to laugh uncontrollably for five minutes and high-five each other. Ernie buries his face in his hands and sobs)

And people ask why I went into dotcom instead of engineering. Oops, gotta go — I'm late for my shock therapy appointment.
