
发表于:2007-06-22来源:作者:点击数: 标签:
RuntimeApplicationToolAgent - Executes some system applications like notepad or any other executable application. It is import ant that this application should be in the system path of machine where shark is running. If you use application


  • RuntimeApplicationToolAgent - Executes some system applications like notepad or any other executable application. It is important that this application should be in the system path of machine where shark is running.

    If you use application mode 0 (zero), the tool agent will wait until the executable application is completed, and if you choose application status other then 0 the tool agent will finish its work as soon as the executable application is started (this usually happens immediately), and shark will proceed to the next activity, even if the executable application is still running (this is asynchronous starting of some external applications).

    This tool agent aclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccepts parameters (AppParameter class instances), but does not modify any. The parameters sent to this tool agents, for which the corresponding application definition formal parameters are of "IN" type, and whose data type is string, are added as suffixes to the application name, and resulting application that is started could be something like "notepad c:\Shark\readme"

    This tool agent is able to "understand" the extended attributes with the following names:

    • AppName - value of this attribute should represent the executable application name to be executed by tool agent

    • AppMode - value of this attribute should represent the mode of execution, if set to 0 (zero), tool agent will wait until the executable application is finished.

  • 用这个方法也比较简单,主要是注意参数AppName的写法:

    因为notepad是系统的内部命令,所以可以像例子中这样写,但是当command不再是系统内部命令时,就要连同路径一起写出来,例如:“C:\\Program Files\\Real\\RealPlayer\\realplay.exe e:\\a.rm”。
