部署MapViewer到Oracle Application Server上的步骤
Installation Instructions Oracle, MapViewer and Geospatial data Download Oracle and MapViewer from www.oracle.com the database software: oracle10g rel2 standard edition for Microsoft Windows 'a'ena-7 The application server MapVie
Installation Instructions Oracle, MapViewer and Geospatial data
- Download Oracle and MapViewer from www.oracle.com
- the database software: oracle10g rel2 standard edition for Microsoft Windows 'a'ena-7
- The application server MapViewer: MapViewer kit and Quickstart
- Install the oracle software and create the database
- double click on the setup
- Login to DB: installed in C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\mapdb
(DB installed on machine with static IP preferably)
- login as SYS and conect as SYSDBA
- Name: mapdb (this is the sid)
- Passwd: ???
- Create a DB
- Administration tab
- Tablespaces link
- Create button
- Object: maptablespace (name the tablespace)
- Add button
- mapdata (file on disk. created!)
- Reuse same file 4G
- Automatic extend 500MB
- Create a user in DB mapsdb
- Under "Users & Privileges" select:
- Users [link] -> mapuser (<- this is the user name)
- pass l
- Default Tablespace: maptablespace (from above!)
- Temporary Tablespace: temp
- Roles link
- Edit List link
- Move "DBA" to the right (this user is dba)
- Connecting to oracle:
- Admin user name: SYS
- Connect as SYSDBA
- To login to admin oracle: http://localhost:1158/em Username: SYS, Password: ???, Connect As: SYSDBA
- To login to mapsdb (our db) http://localhost:1158/em Username: mapuser, Password: l, Connect as: Normal
- the following I don't use:
- The iSQL*plus URL is: http://localhost:5560/isqlplus
- The iSQL*plus DBA URL is: http://localhost:5560/isqlplus/dba
- MapViewer Installation
- unzip MapViewer QS (read readme file!! and fix the start.bat)
- It is installed!
- To start MapViewer execute the start.bat in the directory where unziped
- To login to MapViewer: http://localhost:8888
- To create a password in Mapviewer, read its readme file
- Configure MapViewer to use the right DB all the time.
- edit the config file in MAPVIEWER_INSTALLATION\oc4j\j2ee\home\applications\mapviewer\web\WEB-INF\conf
- near the end of the file (see the tags there) place the following:
Note: map_data_source is the name that your app and Mapviewer use to refer to the db Another note: in the passwd field place a ! so that mapviewer will encrypt the passwd next time MapViewer comes up. Another note: below the map_data_source is simply a name such as my_dataSource.
<map_data_source name="maptablespace"
- Import Data
some additional notes from Farshad
- esri.com search for Census 200 tuger (census)
the exacl URL where we downloaded the files is: http://arcdata.esri.com/data/tiger2000/tiger_download.cfm
- Use second pull down menu to select and download (GEORGIA).
- County 2000
- Line Features-Roads
- Water Polygons
- see cd for some of the files we have.
- From: \oc4j\j2ee\home\applications\mapviewer\web\WEB-INF\lib
mvclient.jar (size 134K)
- From: C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\md\lib
sdoapi.jar (size 14K)
- You need a patched sdoutl.jar. To get this go to:
- http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/products/spatial/index.html
- dounload the Java Kit for the "Oracle Java Shapefile Converter"
- In this page there is also a readme file.
- The kit contains the PATCHED sdoutl.jar that you need to:
- use to compile/execute your app
- use to compile/execute the converter.
- it also contains a sample converter file to convert Shape files (from ESRI) into SPATIAL files (oracle format).
- From: C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\jdbc\lib (where I installed oracle)
ojdbc14.jar (size 1501K)
- Create Indexes in the database that the Mapviewer needs:
Note do this after you import the data in your db.
- Log in to mapdb.
- "Tables"
- in "Object Name" enter GA_Counties (see the importer file on how it names this)
- Actions -> create index
- provide a name: COUNTY_GEOM_IDX
- Click OK
- Go back and click on the radio "Create index on one or more non-spatial columns"
- County ....... value 1