Developing Scripts and Script Tags 4.1 Overview概述 Scripts consist a hierarchy of tags. Tags have names, can have properties, and contain other tags. There are two types of tags - core and returnable. Core tags represent workflow framework (e.g. Core tags form the foundation of a script. 'Process Map' is at the base of this foundation, no tag Returnable tags cannot contain core tags, but may contain other returnable tags. 4.2.1 Attribute属性 4.2.9 Starts开始集合 4.2.15 Wait For Event等候事件 4.3 Returnable Tags可运行标签 - Add - add two Decimal's together and return a Decimal.加法--两个数值相加,返回一个数值 。
To create or edit existing scripts, from the PowerFolder Console click 'Develop', then 'Scripts'.
You can script by entering its name in the box next to 'New Script' and clicking 'Create'.
Remember, new and editted scripts do not take affect until they are deployed under the
'Administer' section.
'Scripts'。你可以在New Script旁边的文本框中输入脚本的名称,单击'Create'来创建
states, transitions, attributes, etc.). Returnable tags either evaluate (e.g. get an attribute's value,
add two values, get trigger text) or 'do something' (e.g. set an attribute, send an email, print to the
contains 'Process Map'. It contains the 'Attributes', 'Starts', 'States', and 'Stops' of the script. These
tags in turn hold other core tags. Some core tags, however, contain returnable tags. 'Execute'
needs one or more tags to evaluate or 'do something', 'If Transition' needs to evaluate whether its
path is taken, etc.
4.2 Core Tags核心标签
An attribute is a variable that can be set and read from within a script and externally using the
Web Client API. It has a type. This type can be a Boolean (true or false), Decimal (a number), a
String (character data), or a Java class.
属性是一个变量,它可以在一个脚本内被设置和读取,也可以使用web client
a类 。
4.2.2 Attributes属性集合
Attributes, or attribute set, holds all script-specific Attributes and Interal Attributes.
属性集合,保持了所有脚本特定属性和内部属性 。
4.2.3 Branch分支
A Branch allows a workflow to go in two or more directions simultaneously.
4.2.4 Default Transition默认转换
The path a workflow will take unless it is preempted by an If Transition.
4.2.5 Execute执行
Execute holds all actions that take place at a State.
4.2.6 If Transition条件转移
The path a workflow may take, instead of the one from Default Transition, if its condition
evaluates to true.
4.2.7 Internal Attribute内部属性
An internal attribute is a variable that can be set and read from within a script, but not using the
Web Client API. In addition, it can't be queried. It has a type. This type can be a Boolean (true or
false), Decimal (a number), a String (character data), or a Java class.
一个内部属性是一个变量,可以被在脚本内读写,但是不可以使用web client
api来读些。另外,它也不能被查询。它有一个类型。这个类型可以是Boolean , Decimal,
String ,或者一个 Java类。
4.2.8 Process Map过程图
The container holding the Attributes, Starts, States, and Stops that constitute a workflow script. It
has a name and a version.
The container holding all possible points where a workflow can start.
4.2.10 Start开始
A point where a workflow can begin if its triggering condition evaluates to true. It must have a
Default Transition and can have zero or more If Transistions. In addition, it can have one or
more Branches to allow it to go in more than one direction at once.
4.2.11 States状态集合
The container holding all intermediary States of a workflow.
4.2.12 State状态
A point where a workflow may reach during its life. It can Wait For Event and have one or more
Executes so that the State 'does something'. It must have a Default Transition and can have zero
or more If Transistions. In addition, it can have one or more Branches to allow it to go in more
than one direction at once.
4.2.13 Stops结束集合
The container holding all points where a workflow can Stop.
4.2.14 Stop结束
A point where a workflow reaches the end of its life. A workflow will still be active if there are
still active Branches.
Pause the workflow until notified to continue by the Web Client's 'releaseWaitAtState'. If there
other active Branches, these will remain active.
- Boolean - return a constant Boolean, true or false. 布尔--返回一个常量布尔,真或假
- Byte - return a Java 'byte' type. 字节--返回一个java字节类型
- Call a Static Method in a Java Class - call a 'static' Java method and return the
- Character - return a Java 'char' type.返回一个Java字符类型
- Constructor - return the class instance created by a Java
- Convert String To Decimal - convert a String into a Decimal and return
- Decimal - return a constant Decimal, decimal number.返回一个数值常数
- Divide - divide one Decimal from another and return the result.两个数值相除
- Double - return a Java 'double' type.返回一个java 双精度
- Equal - compare two Decimal's. If they are equal, return Boolean true, otherwise Boolean
- Evaluate Exponential - raise one Decimal to the power of another Decimal and return the
- Float - return a Java 'float' type.返回一个java浮点值
- Get Application Attribute - return the value of an Attribute. The return type is the same as the
- Get Trigger Attribute - get the contents from an XML attribute in the trigger and return it as a
- Get Trigger Element Count - get the number of child elements contained in an element of the
trigger and return as a Decimal.得到一个元素中子元素的数量,返回数值。
- Get Trigger Text - get the text contained within a trigger element and return it as a
- Int - return a Java 'int' type.返回一个java int类型
- Integer - return an Integer (Java BigInteger). 返回一个Integer类型
- Is Trigger Attribute Present - return Boolean true if a specific attribute exists in an element of
the trigger, Boolean false otherwise.判断特定属性是否包含在触发器中,返回真或假
- Is Trigger Element Present - return Boolean true if a specific element exists in the trigger,
Boolean false otherwise.如果一个特定的元素存在于触发器中,那么返回真,否则为假。
- Is Trigger Text Present - return Boolean true if a specific element in the trigger contains text,
Boolean false otherwise.如果在触发器中特定元素包含文本,返回真,否则为假。
- Java Call - call a Java method on an instance and return the type and value returned by the
- Java Long - return a Java 'long'.返回一个java long值
- Java Null Reference - return a Java 'null' reference of a specified type.返回一个java 空引用
- Java Short - return a Java 'short'. 返回一个java short值
- Logical And - compare two or more Booleans. If all are true, return Boolean true, otherwise
Boolean false.比较两个或者更多布尔值。如果都是真,返回真;否则为假。
- Logical Not - evaluate a Boolean. If it's true, return Boolean true, Boolean false
- Logical Or - compare two or more Booleans. If at least one is true, return Boolean true,逻辑或
otherwise Boolean false.
- Logical 'Short-Circuit' And - return the Boolean result of a Java '&&'.逻辑短与,等价与&&
- Logical 'Short-Circuit' Or - return the Boolean result of a Java '||'.逻辑短或,等价于||
- Logical Xor - compare two Booleans. If one is true and the other is false, return Boolean true,
Boolean false otherwise.逻辑异或
- Multiply - multiply two or more Decimals and return the result as a Decimal.乘法运算
- Print To Console - print zero or more Strings to the console and return nothing.打印到控制台
- See If Greater Than Or Equal - compare two Decimals. If the first one is greater than or equal
to the second, return Boolean true, otherwise return Boolean false.看是否大于或等于
- See If Greater Than - compare two Decimals. If the first one is greater than the second, return
Boolean true, otherwise return Boolean false.看是否大于
- See If Less Than Or Equal - compare two Decimals. If the first one is less than or equal to the
second, return Boolean true, otherwise return Boolean false.看是否小于或等于
- See If Less Than - compare two Decimals. If the first one is less than the second, return
Boolean true, otherwise return Boolean false.看是否小于
- See If Not Equal - compare two Decimals. If the first one is not equal to the second, return
Boolean true, otherwise return Boolean false.看是否不等于
- Send Simple Email - send an email containing zero or more Strings as its context (body).
Return nothing.
- Set Application Attribute - set an Attribute to a value and return that value with the attributes
- String - return a literal string (zero or more letters grouped together).字符串--返回一个字符串
- Subtract - subtract one Decimal from another Decimal, and return the result as a Decimal.减法-