Alert类继承自Screen,它的作用是通知用户发生异常信息。在高级用户界面API中有三个类是不能有父容器的,他们必须要占据屏幕,其中一个就是Alert,另外两个是List和TextBox。在MIDP1.0中,Alert的灵活性比较差,表示的信息比较死板。 和Alert结合使用的Guage有以下要求1.必须是非交互性的,2.不能同时在其他的容器内,3.Guage的label必须为null,4.Guage不能和Command和CommandListener关联。比如按照如下方式创建一个Guage实例 在MIDP2.0中,我们可以显式的对Alert添加Command,当然如果你还要实现CommandListener的commandAction()方法来告诉系统当Command被按下的时候该做什么。在MIDP1.0中,有个默认的Command和Alert关联在一起的,如果我们在Alert中显式的添加了Command的话,那么这个默认的Command就被取代,如果添加的Command被删除,默认的Command会自动恢复和Alert的关联。如果我们在Alert上添加了两个以上的Command,那么它的Timeout会自动设置为FOREVER。 下面的应用程序很好的说明了如何使用不同的Alert表示不同的信息 // A simple MIDlet for testing various alerts. public class AlertTest extends MIDlet implements CommandListener // An abstract class for our alert tests. public abstract class AlertRunner public AlertRunner(String title) public abstract Alert doAlert(); public String getTitle() public String toString() private String _title; // An alert test for a simple timed alert. public class TimedAlert extends AlertRunner public Alert doAlert() showAlert(a); return a; // An alert test for a simple modal alert. public class ModalAlert extends AlertRunner public Alert doAlert() showAlert(a); return a; // An alert test that displays an alert with public class ProgressAlert extends AlertRunner implements CommandListener, private static final int MAX = 10; public ProgressAlert(String title) public Alert doAlert() _alert = new Alert(getTitle()); // Set a _very_ long timeout showAlert(_alert); return _alert; public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d) private void done() // A thread that bumps the value of the counter public void run() done(); private Alert _alert; // An alert test that displays a continuously public class BusyAlert extends AlertRunner public Alert doAlert() _alert = new Alert(getTitle()); showAlert(_alert); return _alert; private Alert _alert; // Standard MIDlet code. Displays a list of private Display display; public static final Command exitCommand = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, public AlertTest() public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d) protected void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) public void exitMIDlet() public Display getDisplay() protected void initMIDlet() // The list of alert tests.... _alertRunners = new AlertRunner[] { new TimedAlert("Timed alert"), _alertList = new List("Alert Testing", List.IMPLICIT); for (int i = 0; i < _alertRunners.length; ++i) showList(); protected void pauseApp() private void showAlert(Alert a) private void showList() protected void startApp() throws MIDletStateChangeException private List _alertList;
int max = ... // maximum value
int initial = ... // initial value
Gauge gauge = new Gauge( null, false, max, initial );
Alert a = new Alert( "My alert" );
a.setIndicator( gauge );
import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
protected static final int ONE_SECOND = 1000;
protected static final int FIVE_SECONDS = 5000;
_title = title;
return _title;
return getTitle();
public TimedAlert(String title)
Alert a = new Alert(getTitle());
a.setString("Times out after 5 seconds...");
public ModalAlert(String title)
Alert a = new Alert(getTitle());
a.setString("Waits to be dismissed");
// a gauge whose value is increased every second.
// The alert can be dismissed only after the gauge
// reaches its maximum value.
_gauge = new Gauge(null, false, MAX, 0);
_done = false;
_alert.setString("Counts to " + MAX
+ " and then lets you dismiss it");
_alert.setTimeout(ONE_SECOND * 3600);
new Thread(this).start();
if (_done || _gauge.getValue() >= MAX)
_alert.addCommand(new Command("Done", Command.OK, 1));
_done = true;
// every second.
int val = _gauge.getValue();
while (val < MAX)
} catch (InterruptedException e)
private int _counter;
private boolean _done;
private Gauge _gauge;
// running gauge before automatically timing out.
public BusyAlert(String title)
_gauge = new Gauge(null, false, Gauge.INDEFINITE,
_alert.setString("Runs for 5 seconds and "
+ "times out automatically");
private Gauge _gauge;
// available alert tests and runs the test once
// it's been chosen.
if (c == exitCommand)
} else if (c == List.SELECT_COMMAND)
int index = _alertList.getSelectedIndex();
throws MIDletStateChangeException
return display;
new ModalAlert("Modal alert"),
new ProgressAlert("Progress alert"),
new BusyAlert("Busy alert") };
_alertList.append(_alertRunners[i].toString(), null);
getDisplay().setCurrent(a, _alertList);
if (display == null)
display = Display.getDisplay(this);
private AlertRunner[] _alertRunners;