
发表于:2008-06-04来源:作者:点击数: 标签:密码学中英文现代数据
If the receiver of the encrypted data w ant s to read the original data, the receiver must convert it back to the original through a process called decryption. Decryption is the inverse of the encryption process. In order to perform the de
 If the receiver of the encrypted data wants to read the original data, the receiver must convert it back to the original through a process called decryption. Decryption is the inverse of the encryption process. In order to perform the decryption, the receiver must be in possession of a special piece of data called the key.


  The two main competing cryptography schemes are known as the secret-key (symmetric) system and the public-key (asymmetric) system. The secret-key system uses a single, wholly secret sequence both to encrypt and to decrypt messages. The public-key system uses a pair of mathematically related sequences, one each for encryption and decryption [1].


  Secret-key encryption

  One of the most popular secret-key encryption schemes is IBM’s Data Encryption System (DES), which became the U.S. federal standard in 1997. the standard form uses a 56-bit key to encrypt 64-bit data blocks.

  The following is a notation for relating plaintext, ciphertext, and keys. We will use C=E k (P) to mean that the encryption of the plaintext P using key k gives the ciphertext C. similarly, P=D k (C) represents of decryption of C to get the plaintext again. It then follows that D k ( E k (P))=P



  下面是有关明文、密文和密钥关系的表示法。我们用C=E k (P)表示用密钥K对明文P加密,得到密文C。类似的,P=D k (C)代表对C解密得到明文。因而遵循:D k (E k (P))=P

  DES has been studied by many of the world’s leading cryptographers, but no weaknesses have been uncovered. To crack a DES-encrypted message a hacker or commercial spy would need to try 255 possible keys. This type of search would need days of computer time on the world’s fastest supercomputers. Even then, the message may not be cracked if the plaintext is not easily understood [2].


  Developers using DES can improve security by changing the keys frequently, using temporary session keys, or using triple-encryption DES. With triple DES, each 64-bit block is encrypted under three different DES keys. Recent research has confirmed that triple-DES is indeed more secure than single-DES. The User Data Masking Encryption Facility is an export-grade algorithm substituted for DES in several IBM products, such as the Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) [3].


  Public-key encryption

  The key distribution problem has always been the weak link in the secret-key systems. Since the encryption key and decryption key are the same( or easily derived from one another) and the key has to be distributed to all users of the system, it seemd as if there was an inherent built-in problem: keys had to be protected from theft, but they also had to be distributed, so they could not just be locked up in a bank vault.


