Flip-flops and Registers
We have learned that the three basic logic functions are AND, OR, and NOT. All of the computer's decision-making and arithmetic circuits are made up of these three functions.However,in order to make adecision or perform an arithmetic operation, the computer must have a place to store the input and output information (data).For example, if we are to find the sum of 3 and 6,we must write these numbers downn a piece of paper(store them),or use some of the cells of our brain to remember them.After the sumas been obtained, it is again necessary to store or rmember that sumor its value, will be lost. In mputers this very important function of reinem-bering or storing bits of data is performed by varioustypes of Flip-flops.
Flip-flops are one of the circuits that arc madefrom gates and inverters.A Flip-flop has the abilltvto store one bit of information a one or a zero.In microcomputers,though, information is stored in 8 bitor 16- bit groups.This requires many Flip-flops. When Flip-flops are arranged to store multibit information, they are called registers. These registers are classified aclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccording to the way information isentered and removed. For example, if a register isconnected to the data bus in an 8-bit machine. eachline of the bus connects to register.Because the databus will be an 8一bit bus, there are 8-bit Flip-flopsthat form the register, When there is information onthe data bus,and a particular register is selected toreceive data, all the Flip-flops will store data simultancously. This kind of register is refer is referred to as aparallel register.
When inputting or outputting data, the data isoften entered or removed for a register one bit at atime. Where this is the case, the register is called aserial, or shift, register.
我们己经学过三种基本的逻辑函数是“与”,“或”及“非”。 所有计算机的判决电路及运算电路都是由这三个函数组成的。但是, 为了做判决或执行算术运算,计算机必须有一个地方,以使存储输入及输出数据例如,如果我们想要求出3与6的和,我们必须将这些数写在一张纸上(存储它们),或者利用我们大脑中的某些细胞来记住它们。当求出和之后,还必须存储或者记住此和,否则, 其值(9)将去失。在计算机中,这种记忆或存储数据位(比特)非常重要的功能是由不同类型的触发器实现的。
触发器是由门及反相器构成的电路之一,触发器具有存储一个三进制位(比特)信息一一I或0的能力。虽然,在微型计算机中,信息是以8比特或16比特组的形式存储的。这就需要更多的触发器。当触发器被安排用来存储多位(二进制位)信息时,它们被称做“寄存器”。这些寄存器可按照信息输入和移动的方式来分类。例如,如果 寄存器被联接到一台8位机的数据总线上,那么,该总线的每一条线均联接到寄存器上,因为数据总线是8位总线,所以有9个触发器来形成寄存器,当在数据总线上有信息,并且选择了一个特定的寄存器来接收数据时,那么所有的触发器将同时存储数据,这种形式的寄存器叫做“并行寄存器”。