
发表于:2008-02-18来源:作者:点击数: 标签:计算机
The Basic Components of Computers 1 .The System Unit The system unit is the core of your computer. It's inside the system unit that data is processed and stored. The heart of the system unit is the CPU.The fact that your computer can run

The Basic Components of Computers

1 .The System Unit

  The system unit is the core of your computer. It's inside the system unit that data is processed and stored.
  The heart of the system unit is the CPU.The fact that your computer can run DOS means that the CPU in your computer belongs to the 8086 family of processors.This family includes the original 8086 as well as the 8088,the 80186,the 80286, the 80386,and the80486.
  Although each of these processors has different capabilities, they can all run DOS.The CPU is the part of your computer that actually does the computing. Although the CPU performs manipulations on data. It can only hold data that it is currently working on. Most of the information in a computer is stored in the computer's main memory until TheCPU needs it. Memory is often called RAM, an acronym for Random Aclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccess Memory.
  Basically, two things are stored in RAM:data and programs.When a program is executing, it re-sides in RAM, along with the data needed by the pro-gram.

2. Keyboards and Mouse

  The basic input device on most microcomputer systems is a keyboard. Through the keyboard you “talk" to a computer. That is, it allows you to input information, instructions,or data to the computer.
  Keyboards vary considerably from system to system, but most look a lot like a standard typewriter keyboard. Many also have a numeric keypad on the Right, which looks like the keypad on a 10-key adding machine. The keypad makes it easy to input large amounts of numerical data into the computer.
  Computer keyboards usually have a number off unction keys.When pressed, a function key causes a particular action in the computer. For example, one key may tell the computer to clear the video screen of any information displayed, and another may tell the computer to send the information displayed on the screen to the printer so that a permanent copy can be obtained. Function keys are handy and convenient, since they allow you to “tell” the computer to do something by simply pressing one key!Keyboards without function keys often require you to press several keys in succession in order to give the computer one instruction.
  Another common device is the mouse.You operate the mouse by moving it around the surface of your desk. As you move it, a special cursor called the mouse pointer moves around the screen in the same direction as you move the mouse. Programs that sup-port a mouse use the buttons on the mouse to select various options.

3 .Monitor

  Video displays vary considerably in style and options.Some display in black and white;Others are amore eye pleasing green; and some can display in color. Many can display only standard upper and lower case letter, numbers and punctuation marks on the screen.
  Better display can show text material in several intensities.For example, you may see a frequently used business form with the printed material appearing on the screen in a light or half intensity, while the instructions on how to fill it out are in bold or double intensity, and the information you type in may appear on the screen in standard intensity. Displays vary in terms of capacity as well.Some are able to display no more than 12 lines at once, with30 or 40 characters in each line. Most computers can show 24 or 25 lines with up to 80 characters in each. Like most things in life, the displays with more features generally cost more.

4. Floppy Disk and Fix Disk

  There are two basic “flavors” of floppy drives:The 5.25-inch mini floppy and the 3.5-inch microfloppy.
  As you can see in the Figure 1-4, both types of floppy disks have a write-protect notch. For the 5.25 inch floppy,when the write -protect notch is uncovered. The disk drive write data to the disk. When the notch is covered (using an adhesive strip usually sup-plied with the diskette), the drive can read from the disk but not write to it: for the 3.5 inch floppies, the mechanics are reversed. When the write-protect notch of a 3.5 inch diskette is covered,the disk can be writ-ten to. When the notch is uncovered,the disk cannot be written to. Unlike the mini floppy, to write-protect a microfloppy, you simply move a built in slider; no adhesive strip is required. In either case, when a disk cannot be written to, it is write-protected.

  The magnetic medium that actually holds the information should be considered quite fragile. In the case of a minifloppy, a small portion of the medium is always exposed because the read-Native opening is uncovered. In the case of a microfloppy, the shutter protects the medium when the diskette is not in use. When a microfloppy is inserted into the disk drive, the shutter is opened automatically when the diskette is accessed. Because the magnetic medium is fragile and susceptible to contamination by dust or smoke and erasure by magnetic fields, above all else, remember this basic rule about diskettes:If the medium is dam-aged, it will be impossible to retrieve any information stored on that diskette.
  Most likely, your computer contains at least one fixed disk. Fixed disks are also referred to as hard disks because their magnetic medium is rigid. As stated, the magnetic medium of a fixed disk is not removable. Your computer probably contains a fixed disk for two reasons:it is much faster at reading and writing information than a floppy drive and it can hold far more information. Fixed disks can hold any wherefrom 10 million to 1000 million bytes of information. In computers, the prefix mega (sometimes abbreviated) denotes 1 million. Therefore, if someone says that you have a 80 megabyte drive, this means it can hold about 80 million bytes of information.
    One thing to remember about the fixed disk is that it is the most fragile component in your system. A severe shock can damage it. Therefore, make sure your system is located in a place that is free from excessive vibration.

5. Printer
  Most microcomputer printers print one character at a time, usually at rates varying from 30 to perhaps180 characters per second. A more reasonable approach is to use a line printer, which, as the name implies, prints line by line instead of character by character. Rates of 1000 lines per minute (and more) are common. Even greater speed can be obtained by using a page printer to churn out complete pages at a time.



    系统部件的核心是CPU.你的计算机能运行DOS这个事实表明你的计算机中的CPU属于8086处理机系统。这个系统包括最早的8086和8088,80186,80286,80386和804860尽管这些处理机各有不同的能力,它们却能运行DOS. CPU正是你的计算机中实际进行计算的音区件。


  计算机键盘上通常还有一些功能键。当按下功能键时,可在计算机上产生一个特殊的操作。例如, 一个键可以告诉计算机清除当前显示在屏幕上的任何信息,另一个键也许是告诉计算机将显示在屏幕上的信息打印出来功能键是非常方便的,因为通过它们简单地按一个键,便能让计算机完成相应工作。假如没有功能键.通常需要你同时连续地按几个键万能给计算机发出一条指令。





