
发表于:2008-02-18来源:作者:点击数: 标签:计算机
Classification of Computers 1 .Digital, Analog, and Hybrid Computers A digital computer is a counting device that operates on discrete data. It operates by directly counting numbers (or digits) that represent numbers, letters,or other sp

Classification of Computers

1 .Digital, Analog, and Hybrid Computers
  A digital computer is a counting device that operates on discrete data. It operates by directly counting numbers (or digits) that represent numbers, letters,or other special symbols.Just as digital watches directly count off the seconds and minutes in an hour, digital processors also count discrete values to achieve the desired out put results.
  In contrast to digital processors, however, there are also analog computers that do not compute directly with numbers.Rather, they deal with variables that are measured along a continuous scale and are recorded to some predetermined degree of aclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccuracy Temperature, for example, may be measured to the nearest tenth of a degree on the Celsius scale, voltage may be measured to the nearest hundredth of a volt, and pressure may be measured to the nearest "pound per square inch” value. Analog computing systems are frequently used to control processes such as those found in an oil refinery where flow temperature measurements are important
  Desirable features of analog and digital machines are sometimes combined to create a hybrid computing system. In a hospital intensive-care unit, for example, analog devices may measure a patient's heart function, temperature, and other vital signs.These measurements may then be converted into numbers and supplied to a digital component in the system. This component is used to monitor the patient's vital signs and to send an immediate signal to the nurse's station if any abnormal readings are detected .
  Analog and hybrid processors obviously perform important specialized tasks.But the overwhelming majority of all computers used for business and scientific applications are digital devices.

2. General-Purpose and Special-Purpose Digital Computers
  Digital computers are made for both special and general uses.As the name suggests,a special-purpose computer is one that's designed to perform only one specific task.The program of instructions is wired into or permanently stored in such a machine. Al-though it lacks versatility it does its single task quickly and efficiently.
  Special purpose processors designed just to solve complex navigational problems are installed aboard U. S. atomic submarines.Not too long ago, however, special-purpose computers were too expensive for most applications.Only a few might be needed by one organization, and the specialized model might not do anyone else any good. But today, customized microcomputers are produced in large quantities to perform tasks such as monitoring household appliance and controlling the fuel, ignition, and instrument systems in automobiles.Furthermore, rapid progress is now being made in developing the automated design tools that engineers can use to economically build small quantities of complex microcomputer chips for specialized purposes.
  A general-purpose computer is one that can store different programs and can thus be used in countless applications.You have seen that by using different instructions such a machine can process a payroll one minute and a billing application the next. New pro-grams can be written, and old programs can be changed o dropped. The versatility of general-purpose stem is limited only by human imagination. And so, unless otherwise noted,all our future discussion of “computer” will be about general purpose digital systems

3 Micro, Mini,Mainframe and Super Computers
  All computer system of interest to us is similar that they contain hardware components for input, central processing, and output. They all perform basic machine operations under the direction of stored programs, which can be quickly changed to permit the Processing of a stream of different applications. Of course, widely different sorts of applications require different system resources to process them. In other words, the personal computer used in the home to play Space Invaders would hardly be used in NASA missions control to monitor an actual space shuttle launch.
  Modern computers vary in physical size from those that fill rooms to those with CPUs the size of amide. Generally, the larger the system, the greater is its processing speed, storage capacity, and cost. Also, the larger systems are better equipped to handle a greater number of more powerful input and output devices.
  Systems on the low end of the size scale are called microcomputers or minicomputers. Microcomputers or personal computers are the smallest general-purpose systems.But they may perform the same operations and use the same program instructions as much larger computers. Minicomputers are also small general-purpose systems. The are topical more powerful and expensive than micros,although the performance of some newer micros may surpass the capabilities or some older minis. In physical size, minis can vary from a desktop model to a unit the size of a small file cab.net.
  Continuing up the size scale, mainframe computers are system that may offer faster processing speeds and greater storage capacity than a typical mini.A whole series of mainframe models ranging in size from small to very large are generally lumped to-getter under family designation by mainframe manufacturers.There is quite a bit of overlap possible in the cost, speed, and storage capacity of larger minis and smaller mainframes.
  Finally come the supercomputers, designed to process complex scientific applications.These systems are the largest, fastest.





  规模最小的系统 叫做微型计算机或小型计算机。微型计算机或个人计算是最小的通用系统。但它们使用与大型计算机相同的程序指令来完成同一操作,小型计算机也是小见通用系统。尽管某些新的微型计算机的性能已超过某些旧的小型机,但一般来讲小型机比微型计算机功能更强,更贵。小型机的规模小可为台式,大可为一个小型文件柜。
