History of Computers
The first general-purpose electronic computer to operate suclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccessfully was the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC).Its construction was proposed in 1942 by John Mushily and J.Presser Eckert of the Moore School of Engineering, University of Pennsylvania. Work started on its development in June 1943 and the computer was completed by late 1945.It occupied 1500 ft2(140M2) of floor space, weighed over 30 tons, consisted of approximately 18000 vacuum tubes, 70000 resistors,10000 capacitors and 6000 switches and consumed150 kW of power. It was used to generate ballistic tables and weather forecasts.In principle it was programmable but this could only be done with consider--able difficulty by rewiring parts of the machine.
With the development of the ENIAC, the computer became a useful scientific and business tool The ENIAC could operate without human intervention, depending only upon stored instructions.This development marked the beginning of the modern computer era. Since then, many refinements in computers speed, size, and cost have been made.Many advancements in computer technology are divided into four time periods called generations.
1 .First Generation of Computers
The first generation of computers lasted from•1951 to 1958. They were large, costly to buy, expensive to power, and often unreliable. Their internal operations were controlled through the use of vacuum tubes.These tubes were fairly large, and they generated so much heat that special air-conditioning had to be installed to handle it.
It was during this period that symbolic languages were developed. Symbolic languages use symbols made up of letters and numbers to stand for Os and 1 soft machine language. For example, ADD may stand for addition. Computer instructions written in symbolic languages were easier for people to use than machine language but symbolic language had to be translated into machine code before the computer could follow the instructions. The machine codes we restored on the outer surface of ma.netic drum.
2. Second Generation of Computers
The second generation of computers spanned the years from 1959 to 1964.It was during this time that the technology race really began.
The most notable change was that transistors replaced vacuum tubes.As a result, computers be-came much smaller,faster,and more reliable. They also became more efficient. Also at this time, magnetic cores replaced magnetic drums as storage media.
Next, the second generation of computers were given auxiliary storage, sometimes called external or secondary storage.Data was stored outside the computer on either magnetic tapes or magnetic disks.The use of auxiliary storage ended the limitation on how much data the computer could store and reduce these of punched cards.Using magnetic tapes for input and output operations increased the speed of computer.
Finally, improvements were made in the symbolic programming languages.New languages were more like English than the earlier ones, making progranuning the computer much easier.
3. Third Generation of Computers
The third generation of computers lasted from1965 to 1970 During the time, technology continued to improve and computers became even smaller, while their memory capacities became larger.
The third generation is marked chiefly by the development of integrated circuits,which replaced transistors.With integrated circuits,hundreds of electrum components could be included on one silicon chip less than one-eighth-inch square. A number of other developments characterized this period. For example, minicomputers were introduced.These machines had many of the same capabilities as large computers:but they were much smaller, had less storage space, and cost less.Another development was the use of remote terminals; in-put/output devices that are electronically linked to the main computer but located at some distance from it. A popular innovation was the introduction of families of computers that could support as many as forty different external devices,such as printer and remote terminals.Each computer in the family contained a different main storage capacity. A company could easily move up a machine with more storage while continuing to use the same external devices.
4 .Fourth Generation of Computers
The period for the fourth generation of computers is given as 1971 to the present. Chip circuit has become increasingly miniaturized in the fourth generation of computers.Large-scale Integration (LSI)circuit, featuring thousands of electronic components on a single silicon chip became common during the1970s.From LSI technology came the microcomputer, the small "computer on a chip". Microprocessor chips can manage the functions of the computer, perform calculations, and control other devices just as large computers can. The combination of the microprocessor and other densely packed chips used for storage and input/output operations forms a microcomputer.Modern microcomputers have more power than the large computers of earlier generations.LSI has al-ready progressed into VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration), which means even more capabilities in even smaller packages.
第一台成功运行的通用电子计算机是ENIAC电子数值积分计算机)亡的结构是宾夕法尼亚大学牧尔工程学院的约翰,莫奇菜(John MaUChIN)与埃克特(J. PresperEckert )于1942年提出的。该工程于1943年6月万始研制。它占地1500平方英尺(140M2),重量超过30吨。它由约18000只真空管,70000只电阻,10000只电容及6000只开关组成,耗电150KW o被用于编制弹道表及天气预报。从原理说,它是可编程的,但是。要做到这一点相当困难,因为要对机器的部件重新接线。
第一代计算机从1951年持续至1958年。’言们体积大,价格昂贵,启动费力且常常不可靠。它们的内部操作是通过真空管来控叙的。这些真空管很大,并且它们聚集了如此多的热量以至于不得不靠安装专门的空调来进行处理。 正是是这个时期,符号语言得到了开发。符号语言是用字母和数字组成的符号来代表机器语言的0和1。例如,ADD代表加法,用符号语言写的计算机指令比用机器语言写的指令对人来说要好用一些。但在计算机能执行这些指令之前,符号语言必须被翻译成机器代码,机器代码被存储在磁鼓的外表面。