在/etc/ftpaclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccess里面加上:
throughput /home/ftp * * 64000 0.5 *
我用的是2.5.x,man page里面很全的.
用man ftpaccess就可以.:-)
◇ ProFTPD 流量控制
----------发信人: (喘气中...), 看板: Lin
标 题: ProFTPD 流量控制
发信站: 临风小□ BBS 站 (Tue Mar 9 15:55:30 1999) @cyndi.cis.nctu.edu
转信站: Maxwell!bbs.ee.ntu!freebsd.ntu!news.cs.nthu!news.cis.nctu!Wind
这是自己改的 Proftpd 1.2.0pre2 流量控制的 patch.
需要原来 proftpd source!
相关程式可以在 下找到
1. 如果你的 proftpd-1.2.0pre2.tar.gz 解在 proftpd-1.2.0pre2/
将本 patch 放跟 proftpd-1.2.0pre2/ 同一层目录, 打
patch < proftpd-1.2.0pre2-bandwidth.patch
如果放在 proftpd-1.2.0pre2/ 下
patch -p1 < proftpd-1.2.0pre2-bandwidth.patch
2. 重新 Make 你的 source!
1. 提供三个控制流量功能(只有下传)
可以设在 server config,,
BandWidth : 总频宽
MaxBandWidth : 每线最大频宽
MinBandWidth : 每线最小频宽
必需为整数,代表 位元组/秒(Bytes/second)
三个功能的关系: MinBandWidth > MaxBandWidth > BandWidth
2. □例1.
设定 BandWidth 4096
如果有4人在线上,每个人的流量为 4096%424 位元组/秒
设定 BandWidth 4096
MaxBandWidth 3072
如果有1人在线上,每个人的流量为 3072 位元组/秒
如果有2人在线上,每个人的流量为 4096%2 48 位元组/秒
设定 BandWidth 3072
MinBandWidth 1024
如果有1人在线上,每个人的流量为 3072 位元组/秒
如果有2人在线上,每个人的流量为 3072%236 位元组/秒
如果有3人在线上,每个人的流量为 3072%324 位元组/秒
如果有4人在线上,每个人的流量为 1024 位元组/秒
详细的说明请看 patch 过的 mod_xfer.c
--- start proftpd-1.2.0pre2-bandwidth.patch ---
--- proftpd-1.2.0pre2.orig/modules/mod_xfer.c Fri Feb 19 15:11:11 19
+++ proftpd-1.2.0pre2/modules/mod_xfer.c Mon Feb 22 14:38:19 19
@@ -31,10 +31,140 @@
+ * Title : Bandwidth management
+ * File : mod_xfer.c (need orig source from proftpd-1.2.0pre2.
+ * Author : Albert Chiu ()
+ * Date : 22 Feb 1999
+ * Version : 0.9p2
+ *
+ * Description :
+ * Provide bandwidth usage limitation on per connection.
+ *
+ * Revision :
+ * Ver 0.9p2
+ * - Add Bandwidth and MinBandWidth.
+ * Ver 0.9p1
+ * - Fix unpredictable disconnect bugs.
+ * - Port patch to proftpd-1.2.0pre2
+ * Ver 0.9
+ * - First patch version base on proftpd-1.2.0pre1.
+ * - Only include MaxBandWidth.
+ *
+ ********************************************************************
+ * Copyright (c)1999 Albert Chiu ( Chiu Yang-Li ). All rights reserve
+ * Modify for the ProFTPD Group by :
+ *
+ * Albert Chiu
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * I get some idea and good function from Apache Module Collection. I
@#d looked
+ * at mod_bandwidth, this one is almost what i want, so i use the ide
a and
+ * rewrite it for ProFTPD 1.2.0pre1.
+ * But i find the select() function which mod_bandwidth use is usuall
y bad
+ * performance, so i use setitimer() to replace it.
+ *
+ * you can get the collection from Apache Homepage (
+ * mod_bandwidth 1.0 is written by Yann Stettler (
+ *
+ ********************************************************************
+ * Instruction :
+ * -------------
+ *
+ * Note : this modify was writen for ProFTPD 1.2.0pre2 and tested on
+ *
+ * Installation :
+ *
+ * Just make all source again is enough. :>
+ *
+ *
+ * Server configuration directive :
+ * -----------------------------------
+ * - BandWidth
+ * Syntax : BandWidth
+ * Default : none
+ * Context : server config,,
+ *
+ * Limit the total bandwidth for file-transfer (retr only)
+ * Final each rate is depend of the number of connections.
+ *
+ * The is in Bytes/second.
+ * A of "0" means no bandwidth limit.
+ *
+ * Example :
+ * BandWidth 4096
+ *
+ * If there are 4 users online , this will limit the bandwith
+ * for file-transfer to 4096/4 □24Bytes/sec.
+ *
+ * Note : If transfer file size is lower than the "BandWidth"/"Users"
+ * it will ignore the limit.
+ *
+ * - MaxBandWidth
+ * Syntax : MaxBandWidth
+ * Default : none
+ * Context : server config,,
+ *
+ * Limit the bandwidth for file-transfer (retr only)
+ * This over-ride BandWidth rules as well as the calculated rate
+ * based on the number of connections.
+ *
+ * The is in Bytes/second.
+ * A of "0" means no bandwidth limit.
+ *
+ * Example :
+ * If BandWidth is set to "4096" (4KBytes/sec) and MaxBandWidth
+ * is set to "3072" (2KBytes/sec) that means :
+ * - if there is one connection, the file will be transfered
+ * at 3072 Bytes/sec. (Maximal of 3072 Bytes/sec).
+ * - if there is two connections, each files will be transfered
+ * at 2048 Bytes/sec.
+ * - if there is three or more connections, each files will be
+ * transfered at "4096/connections" Bytes/sec.
+ *
+ * Note : If transfer file size is lower than the "MaxBandWidth" rate
+ * it will ignore the limit.
+ *
+ * - MinBandWidth
+ * Syntax : MinBandWidth
+ * Default : none
+ * Context : server config,,
+ *
+ * Set a minimal bandwidth to use for file-transfer. (retr only)
+ * This over-ride both BandWidth and MaxBandWidth rules as well
+ * as the calculated rate based on the number of connections.
+ *
+ * The is in Bytes/second.
+ * A of "0" means no bandwidth limit.
+ *
+ * Example :
+ * If BandWidth is set to "3072" (2KBytes/sec) and MinBandWidth
+ * is set to "1024" (1KBytes/sec) that means :
+ * - if there is one connection, the file will be transfered
+ * at 3072 Bytes/sec.
+ * - if there is two connections, each files will be transfered
+ * at 1536 Bytes/sec.
+ * - if there is three or more connections, each files will be
+ * transfered at 1024 Bytes/sec. (Minimal of 1024 Bytes/sec).
+ *
+ * Note : If transfer file size is lower than the "MinBandWidth" rate
+ * it will ignore the limit.
+ *
+ */
#include "conf.h"
+#undef timerisset
+#define timerisset(tvp) ((tvp)->tv_sec || (tvp)->tv_us
+#undef timerclear
+#define timerclear(tvp) ((tvp)->tv_sec tvp)->tv_usec □
extern module auth_module;
extern pid_t mpid;
@@ -51,6 +181,7 @@
static int stor_fd;
static int retr_fd;
module xfer_module;
static void _log_transfer(char direction)
@@ -129,6 +260,48 @@
retr_file ULL;
+static struct timeval timediff(struct timeval *a, struct timeval *b)
+ struct timeval rslt, tmp;
+ tmp a;
+ if ((rslt.tv_usec mp.tv_usec - b->tv_usec) < 0) {
+ rslt.tv_usec +□00000;
+ --(tmp.tv_sec);
+ }
+ if ((rslt.tv_sec mp.tv_sec - b->tv_sec) < 0) {
+ rslt.tv_usec □
+ rslt.tv_sec □
+ }
+ return (rslt);
+void handler(int sig)
+ return;
+int sleep_msec(struct timeval *a)
+ struct timeval tmp;
+ struct itimerval itimer;
+ void handler();
+ tmp a;
+ if (timerisset(&tmp)) {
+ signal(SIGALRM,handler);
+ timerclear(&itimer.it_interval);
+ itimer.it_value.tv_usecp.tv_usec;
+ itimer.it_value.tv_secp.tv_sec;
+ setitimer(ITIMER_REAL,&itimer,(struct itimerval *)0);
+ pause();
+ timerclear(&itimer.it_value);
+ setitimer(ITIMER_REAL,&itimer,(struct itimerval *)0);
+ }
/* cmd_pre_stor is a PRE_CMD handler which checks security, etc, and
* places the full filename to receive in cmd->private [note that we
* use cmd->tmp_pool for this, as tmp_pool only lasts for the duratio
@@ -384,9 +557,11 @@
struct stat sbuf;
char *lbuf;
int bufsize,len;
+ long cur_rate □max_rate □min_rate □cur_user □
unsigned long respos □cnt □cnt_steps □cnt_next □
privdata_t *p;
+ struct timeval opt_time, last_time, now, timespent, timeout;
p od_privdata_find(cmd,"retr_filename",NULL);
if(!p) {
@@ -433,10 +608,53 @@
cnt espos;
+ /* Calculate bandwidth transfer time
+ *
+ * if "BandWidth" , "MaxBandWidth" or "MinBandWidth" not be defin
ed or
+ * be defined error. i will turn off bandwidth limit.
+ */
+ cur_user long)get_param_int(cmd->server->conf,"CURRENT-CLIENTS",F
+ cur_rate long)get_param_int(cmd->server->conf,"Bandwidth",FALSE);
+ max_rate long)get_param_int(cmd->server->conf,"MaxBandwidth",FALS
+ min_rate long)get_param_int(cmd->server->conf,"MinBandwidth",FALS
+ cur_rate □r_rate / cur_user;
+ if(max_rate <□)
+ max_rate □;
+ if(min_rate <□)
+ min_rate □;
+ if(cur_rate <□)
+ {
+ if(max_rate > 0L)
+ cur_rate ax_rate;
+ else if(min_rate > 0L)
+ cur_rate in_rate;
+ else
+ cur_rate □;
+ }
+ if((cur_rate > max_rate) && (max_rate > 0L))
+ cur_rate ax_rate;
+ if(min_rate > cur_rate)
+ cur_rate in_rate;
+ if(cur_rate > 0L) {
+ opt_time.tv_sec long int) bufsize / cur_rate;
+ opt_time.tv_usec long int) ((float) bufsize * 1000000 / cur_rat
e - opt_time.tv_sec * 1000000);
+ log_debug(DEBUG1, "Current Bandwidth : %ld bytes/sec",cur_rate)
+ }
while((len s_read(retr_file,retr_fd,lbuf,bufsize)) > 0) {
+ /* record transfer start time */
+ if(cur_rate > 0L) {
+ gettimeofday(&last_time, (struct timezone *) 0);
+ }
len □ta_xfer(lbuf,len);
if(len < 0) {
@@ -450,6 +668,21 @@
+ /* calculate spent time and set up timer */
+ if((cur_rate > 0L) && (session.xfer.file_size > cur_rate)) {
+ gettimeofday(&now, (struct timezone *) 0);
+ timespent imediff(&now, &last_time);
+ timeout imediff(&opt_time, ×pent);
+ log_debug(DEBUG5, "bandwidth : Sleep : %ld/%ld (Op time : %ld
/%ld Spent : %ld/%ld)",
+ timeout.tv_sec, timeout.tv_usec, opt_time.tv_sec,
+ timespent.tv_sec, timespent.tv_usec);
+ /* We sleep... */
+ sleep_msec(&timeout);
+ if(TimeoutIdle)
+ reset_timer(TIMER_IDLE,ANY_MODULE);
+ }
@@ -519,6 +752,57 @@
return DECLINED(cmd);
+MODRET set_bandwidth(cmd_rec *cmd)
+ long s_cur_rate
+ CHECK_ARGS(cmd,1);
+ s_cur_rate □oi(cmd->argv[1]);
+ if(s_cur_rate < 0)
+ CONF_ERROR(cmd,"value must be lager then 0");
+ add_config_param_set(&cmd->server->conf,"Bandwidth",1,(void*)s_cur_
+ return HANDLED(cmd);
+MODRET set_maximumbandwidth(cmd_rec *cmd)
+ long s_cur_rate
+ CHECK_ARGS(cmd,1);
+ s_cur_rate □oi(cmd->argv[1]);
+ if(s_cur_rate < 0)
+ CONF_ERROR(cmd,"value must be lager then 0");
+ add_config_param_set(&cmd->server->conf,"MaxBandwidth",1,(void*)s_c
+ return HANDLED(cmd);
+MODRET set_minimumbandwidth(cmd_rec *cmd)
+ long s_cur_rate
+ CHECK_ARGS(cmd,1);
+ s_cur_rate □oi(cmd->argv[1]);
+ if(s_cur_rate < 0)
+ CONF_ERROR(cmd,"value must be lager then 0");
+ add_config_param_set(&cmd->server->conf,"MinBandwidth",1,(void*)s_c
+ return HANDLED(cmd);
static int _noxfer_timeout(CALLBACK_FRAME)
if(session.flags & SF_XFER)
@@ -542,6 +826,13 @@
return 0;
+static conftable xfer_config[]
+ { "BandWidth", set_bandwidth, NULL }
+ { "MaxBandWidth", set_maximumbandwidth, NULL }
+ { "MinBandWidth", set_minimumbandwidth, NULL }
cmdtable xfer_commands[]
{ PRE_CMD, C_RETR, G_READ, pre_cmd_retr, TRUE, FALSE },
@@ -562,7 +853,7 @@
NULL,NULL, /* Always NULL */
0x20, /* API Version */
"xfer", /* Module name */
- NULL, /* No config */
+ xfer_config, /* Config name */
--- end proftpd-1.2.0pre2-bandwidth.patch ---