1.From the Windows 2000 desktop, select Start, Programs, ARCserve, ARCserve Manager.
2.In the ARCserve 2000 main web page, select Quick Aclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccess.
3.From the Quick Access page, select Backup Manager.
4.Once in the Backup window, under the Source tab, select the files/folders to be backed up by clicking on the green box to the left of the selection(s).
5.Under the Destination tab, select the media where the data will be backed up to.
6.Under the Schedule tab, verify Custom Schedule is selected. Set Repeat Method to Once, and select a Backup Method from the four options provided. Once all options have been set and verified, click on the traffic light icon towards the top center of the page to Run/Schedule the backup job.
7.Click the OK button in the Security and Agent Information window.
8.In the Submit Job window, select Run Now under Job Execution Time. Provide a description for the backup job in the Description field and click the OK button to submit the backup job.