服务器磁盘控制卡RedHat Linux 驱动制作 本文档介绍了如何在DELL 服务器上制作磁盘控制卡驱动的方法 1.执行EXE文件[windows] 2.使用rawritewin软件[windows] 3.使用rwfloppy软件[DOS] 4.使用Linux dd命令[Linux] 制作前准备 1.空白软盘一片 2.Red Hat linux CD 1 制作驱动程序 使用rawritewin软件[windows] 1.使用 PowEdge Service and Diagnostic Utilities 光盘,下载驱动(也可以到dell中国网站下载驱动) 选择服务器的机型和操作系统 下载驱动 把驱动中img保存释放到磁盘下 2.将Red Hat linux CD 1 光盘放入光驱,到 \dosutils\rawritewin 目录下,使用rawritewin软件 将 Image file 指向驱动img文件中(如 c:\*.img),然后点击 Write 完成驱动制作 使用Linux dd命令[Linux] 下载驱动包都会有readme.txt: Download
1. Click the "Download Now" link to download the file.
2. If the Export Compliance Disclaimer window appears, click the "I agree" link to aclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccept the agreement.
3. When the File Download window appears, click "Save" to save the file to your hard drive.
1. Log in as the root user
2. At a command prompt, type "tar xzvf ata_piix-0.93c-1c.tar.gz to extract the files from the compressed archive
3. At a command prompt, type "cd ata_piix-0.93c-1c"
4. Download the latest dkms RPM from support.dell.com, or install the one from the archive by typing "rpm -Uvh dkms-1.10-1.noarch.rpm". If you receive a message that a newer dkms is installed on your system already, proceed to the next step
5. At a command prompt, type "rpm -Uvh ata_piix-0.93c-1dkms.noarch.rpm" to install the device driver.
Using a Driver Disk to install Red Hat Enterprise Linux
The driver disk images are signified by the corresponding Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 Update release and the OS architecture. For example, GU1U2 means the image supports installations for Gold, Update 1, and Update2, while i386 or x86_64 means it supports a specific OS architecuture
1. Put a floppy disk into the floppy drive on your system
2. At a command prompt, type "dd if= of=/dev/fd0". The driver disk is now ready to use
3. Boot to your Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 installation media in the system you wish to install. At the "boot:" prompt, type "linux dd" to start the installation process.
4. When prompted, put the floppy into the floppy drive and follow the onscreen instructions.